Luclin Tailoring Guide
Tailoring is a a great Tradeskill to level up if you're looking for a profession that lets you create all different types of bags. There's also a few combines for armor quests/other misc things over the expansions that you might find need you to raise your Tailoring Skill.
If you'd like to see different routes available to you for raising your Tailoring I recommend that you check out my Velious Tailoring Guide or my Classic EQ Tailoring Guide. Both will offer you more routes for leveling your skill up.
Tailoring 1 - 21
Talk to your Guildmaster.
(Direct Route)
Save all the
Reinforced Medicine Bags are used to combine materials for the Alchemy Tradeskill, but they can also be used as just standard bags, better than the Backpacks you can buy off vendors. Reinforced Medicine Bags can hold 10 items and have a 10% weight reduction bonus. Also they can hold the up to the biggest item in the game (GIANT) items, which the Hand Made Backpacks cannot.
(Direct Route)
Save all Picnic Baskets that you make, as they are used in Baking to make Misty Thicket Picnics. If you're not leveling Baking as well then sell them to other players that do practice Baking.
Hand Made Backpacks are probably one of the most common container choices in the game. With how easy they are to make and how much they can hold you really can't go wrong for a starting backpack. The only downside to Hand Made Backpacks is they can't hold giant items and they only have 10% weight reduction. Luckily not many items are giant, but if you want a bag that can hold giant items and has the same stats as the Hand Made Backpack, go with the Reinforced Medicine Bag.
Just vendor these after you make them to get some of your money back. North Karana, South Karana, East Karana, West Karana are all good places for you to farm some High Quality Cat Pelts. I'd also recommend checking The Bazaar for them - sometimes you can find them for pretty cheap!
Once you've gathered together all of the required ingredients combine them together inside of a Loom or Tailoring Kit. This is the easiest Reinforced Hopperhide recipe to make, if you'd like to see the rest of the Reinforced Hopperhide Recipes follow the link provided to be taken to that guide. They all have a trivial of 108 and cost more materials to make than the gorget, so it's not recommended to follow that route. The recipes do however count towards 350 Tailoring.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
(Direct Route)
Don't vendor these, instead you should sell them to other players and make a lot of the money you spent making them back.
Forest Green Silk Swatches are one of the best things to make to raise your Tailoring in Classic EQ and they're still worth doing in Kunark but start to decline in Velious and onwards. The Dark Green Dye is hands down the hardest part of this recipe to acquire as it'll have you picking up Evergreen Leaves in Gfay or Butcherblock.
I recommend you save all of the Ceremonial Solstice Robes that you make because they're used in the Earring of the Solstice quest during the Luclin expansion. For this expansion and at the very least until they raise the level cap to 70 this robe will be sellable in The Bazaar.
This is a much more direct but much more costly route for players to level up with. I'd recommend you create all different types of Acrylia Reinforced Armor that way you can recoup some of your losses by selling what you made in The Bazaar.
(Direct Route)
The Arctic Wyvern Hides drop from Wyverns on Velious. The best place to farm them is Cobalt Scar which is also where you'll have a chance to farm Othmir Fur which can be used for the Othmir Fur Recipes - another great way to raise tailoring.
(Alternate Route)
Holgresh Fur comes from Holgresh enemies which you'll encounter in Wakening Lands on Velious as well as in the Everfrost LDoNs. I'd recommend checking The Bazaar for what's available - you might get some for rather cheap!
(Direct Route)
Othmir Fur is one of the best ways to raise your tailoring all the way up to max but it'll require a decent amount of farming to accomplish. You'll need to hunt Othmirs in Cobalt Scar which come in groups and might be tough for someone soloing.
(Direct Route)
Ice Silk Swatch is made from Ice Burrower Silk which drops from enemies in Western Wastes.
(Direct Route)
This item is later used in the Plane of Power quest Crown of Deceit which is will give an Illusion to the player.