Velious Everquest TLP Guides
This is the index page for all of my Velious EQ TLP guides. To make things easier for Progression Server players I have broken apart most of my EQ guides into different sections. They're mostly sorted by expansions that raised the level cap or ones that made a major impact on the game.
At the top of these sections will be the most useful viewed guides I have written. Following that, further down the page, are the other relevant guides to this era of the game. Any quests that are popular during that era or other 'side activites' that I've written guides for can be found further down this page below the Tradeskill guides.
Velious Everquest Leveling Guide
Velious Everquest Farming Locations
EQ Class Guides (Classic-Prophecy of Ro)
- Luclin Baking Guide
- Luclin Brewing Guide
- Luclin Fletching Guide
- Luclin Jewelcrafting Guide
- Luclin Pottery Guide
- Luclin Smithing Guide
- Luclin Tailoring Guide
- Luclin Tinkering Guide
Focus Effects What They Do & How Important They Are
Old Sebilis Key Quest (Kunark)
Charasis/Howling Stones Key Quest (Kunark)
Lodizal Shell Shield Quest (Velious)
Di`zok Signet of Service (Kunark)
Earring of the Solstice (Luclin)
Thurgadin Class Armor (Velious Group Armor)
Kael Drakkel Class Armor (Velious Raid Gear)
Skyshrine Class Armor (Velious Raid Gear)