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Velious Smithing Guide

Smithing is possibly one of the most difficult Tradeskills to raise and probably the most frustrating. Most of the time Smithing requires you to do dozens of combines for a shot at even a single skill up or to make a single item. The upside to Smithing though is with a high enough skill you can make pretty much every utensil for every other Tradeskill.

Smithing is the "center" of most of EQ's Tradeskills in my opinion. With Smithing you will be able to make stuff like Steel Boning, used in Tailoring, a Frying Pan, for Baking, A Filleting Knife, for Baking and much more! As with every other Tradeskill, visit your trainer to raise it the first 21 points.


Smithing 1 - 21

Visit the trainer and use your practice's to raise your skill to 21.


Steel Boning 21 - 37

Save the Steel Boning to use in other Tradeskills. If you're not raising other Tradeskills then try to sell it to players that are.


Small Brick of Ore

Water Flask


Large Lantern 37 - 68

Vendor all of these for some of your money back.


Lantern Casing Mold

Metal Bits

Water Flask


Banded Armor 68 - 95

For Banded Armor you will want to make whatever size mold your race has access too. For example the small races will be making Small Banded armor, the medium will be making Banded armor and the large races will be making Large Banded armor.

Note: If you're playing on the P99 Emulator you'll find that Banded Armor has a much higher trivial than mentioned here. It goes up to 175!

Boot Mold

Sheet Metal

Water Flask


Ornate Armor 95 - 122

Same rule that applies to Banded gear applies to the Ornate gear. Whatever mold your race has access to, use that one. Also you'll want to vendor everything you make for some of your plat back. I wouldn't even bother trying to sell it to others.

(Using Large Ornate Chain Boots as an example of materials)

High Quality Metal Rings x 2

Large Chainmail Boot Pattern

Silver Bar

Smithy Hammer

Water Flask


Fine Plate Visor 122 - 163

Start off with this piece of Fine plate if you don't want to fail as much and make the most out of vendoring the gear back for some money back. You'll need to farm the Leather Padding that's required in creating the Fine Plate armor. Additionally those of you reading this on P99 Emulator will find that Fine Steel has a higher trivial than what's mentioned on this page. It will take you into the mid 200s.

Leather Padding

Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal

Plate Visor Mold

Smithy Hammer

Water Flask


Fine Plate Gauntlets 122 - 175

You'll need to farm the Leather Padding that's required in creating the Fine Plate armor. Additionally those of you reading this on P99 Emulator will find that Fine Steel has a higher trivial than what's mentioned on this page. It will take you into the mid 200s.

Leather Padding

Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal x 2

Plate Gauntlet Mold

Smithy Hammer

Water Flask


Cultural Sewing Kit 122 - 162

(Vale Sewing Kit Materials as an example) Make whatever you race's Cultural Sewing Kit is. An Important note, the combine to create the sewing kit MUST be in your race's cultural forge in your home town.

High Quality Metal Bits

Needle Mold

Thimble Mold

Water Flask


Fine Steel Breastplate 162 - 188

You'll need to farm the Leather Padding that's required in creating the Fine Plate armor. Additionally those of you reading this on P99 Emulator will find that Fine Steel has a higher trivial than what's mentioned on this page. It will take you into the mid 200s.

Leather Padding

Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal x 3

Small Breastplate Mold

Smithy Hammer

Water Flask


Enchanted Velium Bits 150 - 220

This is one of the easiest routes you can use to level up your Smithing. Everything can be purchased from a vendor except the Small Piece of Velium which you'll have to farm up on your own. The only downside to raising Smithing via Enchanted Velium Bits is that you can't sell what you make.

Coldain Velium Temper

Small Piece of Velium

Spell: Enchant Velium


Mistletoe Cutting Sickle (Trivial 250)

Once you have all of the required ingredients, combine them together in a Forge (Tanaan Forge will not work supposedly). This item is used in the Luclin Earring of Solstice quest. If you're playing on a TLP server, you may want to save all of the Mistletoe Cutting Sickles that you make as they will sell well in The Bazaar once Luclin hits.

Blessed Sickle Blade1 Blessed Sickle Blade

1 Blessed Sickle Hilt

1 Blessed Sickle Pommel

1 Smithy Hammer