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Undead in Loping Plains

***Notice*** Everyone reading this guide in 2018 or later should note that this guide was written in 2009 or so when Underfoot was the current expansion pack. As you can imagine a lot has changed in the game since that time and some of what you read in this guide may be inaccurate or misleading. I strongly recommend you use my more recent Loping Plains Leveling Guide. Also, if you found this page through my older leveling guides, I would recommend you use one of my newer leveling guides instead. Either The Darkened Sea Leveling Guide or Ring of Scale Leveling Guide will have the most up to date information for you.


The undead in Loping Plains are a great source of experience for Paladins looking to do some soloing in their late 70s and all through the 80s. I can recommend this camp to classes aside from just Paladins, however Paladins are going to be the ones that benefit the most from hunting here. Even though their dps isn't that good to begin with, since these are undead mobs Paladins will be able to rip through them like no tomorrow. That is as long as they have their Slay Undead AAs which every Paladin should focus on getting as soon as possible.

Also the undead in Loping Plains hit quite hard, hard enough to put a damper on almost anyones day. As a Paladin this will be a good idea of what your tanking ability is for this level and how much you need to work on it. If you're in a full set of Defiant Gear with only a couple hundred AAs the undead here are most likely going to tear you to pieces, even with a healer merc, which you should pretty much have out at all times anyway. As aforementioned, depending on your current gear, AAs and level the undead here might be too difficult for you to solo. If they are I recommend going back to Veksar or some other undead zone (just check my leveling guides) and do some leveling and such there first.

Map of Undead Locations


If you are struggling with this location or any other location around your level I have a few things that you could do to hopefully fix that. First and foremost you will want to upgrade your gear if you're still using Defiant Gear. There are a ton of Attunable items that you can find in The Bazaar, I recommend you buy the ones that are upgrades and equip them. If you want some help finding these items I highly recommend you use my Bazaar Gear Buying Guide (65+). The second and probably most important thing you can do is get all of the important AAs for your Class. To figure out what AAs are the most important AAs to get I recommend you read over my Everquest AA Placement Guide.

With better gear and all of the important AAs you will notice a gigantic difference in your character and what they are capable of.

Loping Plains Undead Loot Table

Defiant GearDefiant Gear

Uncut DemantoidUncut Gems

Dweric PowderDweric Powder (Don't loot or destroy. Sells for an extremely crappy amount)

Grimy Spell ScrollSpell Research Materials

Rogue Poison Materials

AugAug Drops

Sunshard OreSunshard Ore

Binding PowderBinding Powder

Faceted CrystalFaceted Crystal

Rk. II Spells & TomesRk. II Spells & Tomes

DiamondValuable Gems


Cultural SilkCultural Silk

Cultural MarrowCultural Marrow

Cultural OreCultural Ore

Cultural PeltsCultural Pelts

Cultural Spinneret FluidCultural Spinneret Fluid

Cultural LoamCultural Loam


***Notice*** Everyone reading this guide in 2018 or later should note that this guide was written in 2009 or so when Underfoot was the current expansion pack. As you can imagine a lot has changed in the game since that time and some of what you read in this guide may be inaccurate or misleading. I strongly recommend you use my more recent Loping Plains Leveling Guide. Also, if you found this page through my older leveling guides, I would recommend you use one of my newer leveling guides instead. Either The Darkened Sea Leveling Guide or Ring of Scale Leveling Guide will have the most up to date information for you.