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City of Mist Leveling Guide

***Notice*** Everyone reading this guide in 2018 or later should note that this guide was written in 2009 or so when Underfoot was the current expansion pack. As you can imagine a lot has changed in the game since that time and some of what you read in this guide may be inaccurate or misleading. This page *does* still have some useful info which is why my newer leveling guides link here - but you should understand that most of the information here is outdated, I've taken what's correct and incorporated it into my newer leveling guides.

If you're here from one of my older links then head over to my new Everquest Leveling Guides Index page as you'll find guides for each expansion for you to choose from. I strongly urge you to use these newer leveling guides instead.


If this is your first time in City of Mist it can be quite dangerous since you will be very unfamiliar with the zones layout. The best advice I can give you is take it slow as there are quite a few places you can fall off the path and into water or worse... Mobs. Also you will want to take the corners wide since taking them sharply can dump you out into a pack of mobs which could mean certain death. Your merc will be a lifesaver in CoM (as long as it's a tank merc) because he will kamikazi bomb into any packs of mobs you accidentally agro to save your butt.

Very few mobs run in City of Mist which makes a lot friendlier for players without a Snare or who always forget to Snare mobs. Also almost all the mobs in this zone are Undead which is a plus for Clerics and Paladins with Undead specific nukes. Keep in mind that since most of the mobs here are Undead they will see through regular Invis! A final thing you should know about City of Mist is the mobs here hit harder than a lot of other places at this level. If you have a good amount of Defiant Gear and aren't just a noobie running around half naked you will be fine but just keep that in mind before you start pulling massive packs.

Travel: To reach City of Mist from PoK you will want to take the Cabilis stone to go to Field of Bone. From there head to the Emerald Jungle and then City of Mist is right off of the Emerald Jungle.

City of Mist Loot Table:

Complex Embossed RuneComplex Embossed Rune

Words ofWords of (Destroy if low on space)

Rune ofRune of (Destroy if low on space)

Vendor TrashVendor Trash

Low Level SpellsLow Level Spells
- Not many of these sell in the bazaar well or even at all. So if you're running low on space you should discard any spells you come across as well.

Valuable GemsValuable Gems

Uncut DemantoidUncut Gems

Defiant GearDefiant Gear

Grimy Spell ScrollSpell Research Materials

Uncut DemantoidUncut Gems

Sunshard PebbleSunshard Pebble

Binding PowderBinding Powder

AugAug Drops

Cultural SilkCultural Silk

Cultural MarrowCultural Marrow

Cultural OreCultural Ore

Cultural PeltsCultural Pelts

Cultural Spinneret FluidCultural Spinneret Fluid

Cultural LoamCultural Loam

The mobs around the entrance of CoM will start to go light blue around level 40. Depending on the type of player (Meaning Gold Membership or Free to play) you are and class you may want to hang with the light blue mobs for just a little bit longer and than move to another location. An apprentice merc can really get their butts kicked in here since the mobs hit so much harder than anywhere else.So that means once you reach level 40 you will want to pick any one of the three different directions you can go and from the entrance and start killing your way deeper in. If this confuses you at all then below take a look at the map I've provided to give you an exact example of what I am talking about.

At the end of the bridge the blue line goes north, the black goes south and the red goes west. Right at level 40 I recommend that you go north for a little bit and then once you reach level 42 to 45 you will want to go west, following the red line. Free to play players may want to stay up north or kill the mobs down south (black line) until level 43/44 depending on how much Defiant Gear you have.

City of Mist Loot Table:

Complex Embossed RuneComplex Embossed Rune

Words ofWords of (Destroy if low on space)

Rune ofRune of (Destroy if low on space)

Vendor TrashVendor Trash

Low Level SpellsLow Level Spells
- Not many of these sell in the bazaar well or even at all. So if you're running low on space you should discard any spells you come across as well.

Valuable GemsValuable Gems

Uncut DemantoidUncut Gems

Sunshard PebbleSunshard Pebble

Binding PowderBinding Powder

AugAug Drops

Defiant GearDefiant Gear

Grimy Spell ScrollSpell Research Materials

Cultural SilkCultural Silk

Cultural MarrowCultural Marrow

Cultural OreCultural Ore

Cultural PeltsCultural Pelts

Cultural Spinneret FluidCultural Spinneret Fluid

Cultural LoamCultural Loam

Outside the castle you'll find a bunch of mobs that will challenge you up until level 50. Once you reach level 50 It's time to finally leave City of Mist and head over to Old Sebilis. To get to Old Sebilis return to PoK to sell, buy new spells and stuff like that. Now return to Emerald Jungle, the same way we took to get to City of Mist. This time when you're in the Emerald Jungle head south to Trakanon's Teeth. Once you're in Trakanon's Teeth head far southeast to Old Sebilis.

It may be rather tricky finding your way down into Old Sebilis (Look for a large gaping path leading down.) Just look at your map and it will show you. Once you're down in the hole you will need to click on the large revolving red globe.

Continue Old Sebilis Leveling Guide

Return to Castle Mistmoore Leveling Guide


***Notice*** Everyone reading this guide in 2018 or later should note that this guide was written in 2009 or so when Underfoot was the current expansion pack. As you can imagine a lot has changed in the game since that time and some of what you read in this guide may be inaccurate or misleading. This page *does* still have some useful info which is why my newer leveling guides link here - but you should understand that most of the information here is outdated, I've taken what's correct and incorporated it into my newer leveling guides.

If you're here from one of my older links then head over to my new Everquest Leveling Guides Index page as you'll find guides for each expansion for you to choose from. I strongly urge you to use these newer leveling guides instead.