Sullied Animal Pelt Tradeskill Recipes 300 - 350
Sullied Animal Pelts are one of the lowest level Cultural Pelts that were added into the game during the Dragons of Norrath expansion pack. Cultural Tradeskill materials usually have a low chance (about 5 - 10%) of dropping off enemies that are within their level bracket; for Sullied Animal Pelts that means enemies between the levels of 10 - 30.
Those of you out there looking to farm Sullied Animal Pelts will have the best luck in some of the lower level dungeons. Places like Crushbone, Unrest and Paludal Caverns are excellent farming locations for these pelts. You can also farm Castle Mistmoore, Blightfire Moors (Gnolls) and Crypt of Dalnir.
Tailoring Sullied Animal Pelt (6 Recipes)