RoF Attuneable Gear Farming Locations
Rain of Fear is the expansion pack that raises the in game level cap to 100. It's also one of the most important expansion packs Attuneable Gear wise since there's so much of it that drops in all of the RoF Tier 1 zones. Not only the nameds drop Attuneable gear but the regular enemies do too; this makes RoF a better expansion pack to farm than almost any other on regular servers.
As I say in all of my Attuneable Gear guides, players on Firiona Vie, Brekt or any other server with special loot rules will not benefit as much from hunting in these locations. Since gear on these servers ignore the NO DROP rules it's much more plentiful and devalues most of the Attuneable gear. Who wants crappy Attuneable Gear when you can just buy raid gear out of The Bazaar?
In order to progress past level 100, you'll need RoF Attuneable gear or better, which makes this gear even more valuable than most other gear on regular servers. From my experience, it's very hard to find a full set of Attuneable gear on regular servers. It's an under saturated very in demand market.
Solo/Duoers & Small Groups
Shard's Landing - There are many different nameds throughout the zone which you can hunt, relatively weak mobs if you can't handle the regular enemies are also an option here. All around great zone for everyone.
East Wastes - There's many nameds small groups can pick off, take your pick.
Crystal Caverns - If you're a level 100 group and well geared the Orcs in northern Crystal Caverns will be great loot for you. If you're not as well geared try the area south/east of the dwarf town in CC. There's many nameds that spawn in their own areas which you can camp.
Kael Drakkel - This zone has the best Attuneable Gear camp in the whole expansion. In the southern part you'll find Pakjol & Fjeka. These nameds drop augs which are Attuneable and quite good for this era. They'll be hot items in The Bazaar for a long time. If this camp is too hard for you try one of the other nameds in the zone.
Full Groups & Boxers
Crystal Caverns - The hardest camp in this zone is the orc camp at the northern most point. It'll be the most nameds per hour which'll make it the most profitable.
East Wastes - There's quite a few camps in EW that you can handle with a full group, the Giant Fort near Warden Bruke is a good one - as is the Orc Fort near Crystal Caverns zone line.
Kael Drakkel - Multiple Camps throughout the zone, the best camp is in the southern part of the zone, Fjeka and Pakjol both drop augmentations which are Attuneable and will net you decent Bazaar prices.
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