House of Thule Tradeskill Items
House of Thule has four different expansion wide Tradeskill Items which you will only ever find dropping from zones in this expansion pack. Each of the items have different uses and thus different values; Dream Dust & Dream Meat are the two most valuable items mentioned below and are used in the most Tradeskill recipes of all the items.
The other two items are Extraplanar Silk & Miragestones don't have as many uses, but they can still be quite valuable. Extraplanar Silk is used in creating Extraplanar Trader Satchels (there's basically always going to be a demand for this bag on every server) and Miragestones are used for leveling up Jewelcrafting.
If you're curious about what recipes/tradeskills use these items, I have included links to a few of my TS guides below.
House of Thule Baking Guide (Dream Meat)
House of Thule Brewing Guide (Dream Dust)
House of Thule Fletching Guide (Dream Dust & Fantastic Cultural Reagents)
House of Thule Jewelcrafting Guide (Miragestone)
House of Thule Pottery Guide (Dream Dust)
House of Thule Tailoring Guide (Dream Dust + Fantastic Silk)
Extraplanar Trade Satchels Guide
I highly recommend that regardless of your server you loot all of these items, with one minor exception. If you're playing on an emulator or a server where Extraplanar Silk hasn't been 'patched' yet and stacks, I would recommend not looting that. During the EoK or RoS expansion I think it was, these items were changed to stack to 100 instead of not stacking at all. This made them actually worth looting.