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HoT Attuneable Gear Farming Locations

The House of Thule expansion pack is one of the worst places to farm for Attuneable Gear, if you're looking to make money. The reason for this is, Heroic Characters start out in Feerrott, The Dream and begin the game with gear better than what drops in the area. Due to this, not only will the markets get flooded with the items they farm but there'll be no demand due to them starting out with gear better.

That isn't to say that this gear won't ever sell in The Bazaar, there's always going to be people leveling up who don't start Heroic Characters. That means it'll always sell, It'll just be a lot less in demand than otehr gear like RoF or CoTF.

If you're reading this guide and playing on a server like Firiona Vie or Brekt, keep in mind that the Attuneable trait makes no difference on these servers. Since all items are tradeable - other, better loot will be much more plentiful and it will greatly devalue the items mentioned on this page. The only people that benefit from this guide are those who play on Regular Servers.

Cape of the Wailing WindsFanciful Mask of Joyful Slaying

Necklace of the DrownedTotem of Vile Rites


Solo/Duoers & Small Groups

Feerrott, The Dream - Pick any of the named enemies that are roaming around the zone, you should be able to get quite a few of them all by their lonesome.

House of Thule, Lower Floors - Fighting in a small portion of the courtyard is a decent location, or if you'd like to hunt nameds, take out any of the nameds in the hallways throughout the House of Thule. Best thing to do is keep on your feet and run around the whole zone.


Full Groups & Boxers

Feerrott, The Dream - In the southern portion of the zone the large temple with all of the lizard men has many different named enemies and is one of the best, but hardest, camps in the zone.

House of Thule, Lower Floors - The best camp in this zone is the courtyard which is where you zone into House of Thule at, there's many different nameds here and tons of enemies to defeat. If this camp is taken (it's a very common camp) then head to the northeastern most area near the large room. There's multiple nameds to hunt here too.


Additional Information

Nebulous Dream Fragments are used for HoT Rank 2 Spells