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Smuggler Companion - Bowdaar

The mighty Wookiee gladiator named Bowdaar has spent over a century facing countless opponents without ever losing a match. He solidified his title as the galaxy's greatest gladiator when he defeated notorious Wookiee-hunter Karssk on Ord Mantell. The more gullible underworld scum whisper that Bowdaar is an immortal creature who can't be killed, but those who have faced him and lived know that he is simply the best there is. 

On the surface, Bowdaar may seem like a simple-minded brute, but nothing could be further from the truth. Case in point: Bowdaar eventually discovered the identity of the Trandoshans who first captured and enslaved him. One night in an arena on Loovria, Bowdaar learned that his former captors were sitting in the stands. An unfortunate "weapons malfunction" caused the drunken Trandoshan slavers to meet an untimely--and extremely messy--end.

Guide To Understanding Companions in Swtor

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Intricate Corellian Speeder Model Companion Gift Guide

Likes: A good fight against worthy foes, protecting the weak, personal honor
Dislikes: Cruelty, bullying, slavery, respecting authority that's in the wrong

Primary Stat: Strength
Secondary Stat: Endurance

Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator

Gifts That Bowdaar Likes

Zeltron Personal Aroma Set Zeltron Personal Aroma Set (Courting Blue Item) - Likes

Gree Temporary Mind-Link Device Gree Temporary Mind-Link Device (Courting Epic Item) - Likes

Signet Ring of Ancient Tion Signet Ring of Ancient Tion (Cultural Artifact Blue Item) - Loves

Memoir of the Unification Wars Memoir of the Unification Wars (Cultural Artifact Epic Item) - Loves

First Edition Galactic Encyclopedia First Edition Galactic Encyclopedia (Luxury Blue Item) - Loves

Intricate Corellian Speeder Model Intricate Corellian Speeder Model (Luxury Epic Item) - Loves

Gourmet Ration Pack Gourmet Ration Pack (Military Gear Blue Item) - Likes

Omni-Vision Battlefield Relay Omni-Vision Battlefield Relay (Military Gear Epic Item) - Likes

Aratech Reconstruction Toolkit Aratech Reconstruction Toolkit (Technology Blue Item) - Likes

Vial of Gree Nanite Paste Vial of Gree Nanite Paste (Technology Epic Item) - Likes

Galactic Crime Lords Identity Card Galactic Crime Lords Identity Card (Trophy Blue Item) - Favorite

Splinter of a Rakata Stronghold Splinter of a Rakata Stronghold (Trophy Epic Item) - Favorite

Assassin Droid Target History Assassin Droid Target History (Underworld Goods Blue Item) - Likes

Drayen Hyperspace Smuggling Routes Drayen Hyperspace Smuggling Routes (Underworld Goods Epic Item) - Likes

Energy Blade Bayonet Energy Blade Bayonet (Weapon Blue Item) - Favorite

Unique Rakata Grenade Unique Rakata Grenade (Weapon Epic Item) - Favorite