Sith Inquisitor Companion - Talos Drellik
Lieutenant Talos Drellik has never excelled as a soldier, and his true passion has always been history and archaeology. To Talos, the Imperial Reclamation Service does an invaluable job, preserving Imperial and Sith history against the onslaught of time.
Unlike many Reclamation Service officers who are career soldiers with only a passing interest in history, Lieutenant Drellik has thrown himself into his work, studying with experts in the field such as the illustrious Professor Auselio Gann and galactic historian Deravon Wells.
Guide To Understanding Companions in Swtor
Likes: Artifacts, discovery, history, pro-Empire sentiment, clever word play
Dislikes: Cruelty, rudeness, secrets from allies
Primary Stat: Cunning
Secondary Stat: Endurance
Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife
Voice Over Actor - Edward Hibbert
Gifts That Talos Drellik Likes