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Deus Ex Human Revolution Sarif HQ Passwords

This page contains a complete list of all the different passwords and/or passcodes you will need to access the buildings throughout Sarif HQ. You can learn these passwords and passcodes by reading emails at staff computers, reading notes that are lying around and also by eavesdropping on conversations that characters have while you're not around.

If the passwords on this page aren't the ones you're looking for I recommend you use my list below and choose the area you're at for more relevant information.


All Deus Ex Human Revolution Passwords
- Sarif HQ
- Sarif Manufacturing
- Detroit
- Detroit Police Station
- FEMA Camp
- Hengsha (Shanghai City)
- Tai Yong Medical
- Picus Communications (Montreal)
- Hengsha Part 2
- Omega Ranch (Singapore)
- Panchaea
- Hei Zhen Zhu (Director's Cut)
- Rifleman Bank Station (Director's Cut)



Sarif HQ Security Panel Codes

Office 20 Jerry Maher - 0123

Office 21 Lyle Rogers - 2121

Office 22 Faridah Malik - 5475

Office 23 Will Rosellini - 3716

Office 25 Mika Pine - 9637

Office 27 Diana Gonzalez - 4145

Office 30 Bill Dobel - 0250

Office 31 Denzel Mitchell - 1364

Office 32 Ted Bruger - 9642

Office 33 Tim Carella - 5475

Office 34 Andrea Van Wesel - 7256

Office 35 Heather Stichner - 3167

Helipad Storage Room - 8053


Sarif HQ Computer Passwords

Second floor - FPRITCHARD - nuclearsnke

Third Floor - TBRUGER - eclipse

Sarif's Office - AMARGOULIS - gsspgrl

Adam Jensen's Office - AJENSEN - mandrake