Skills - Shin Megami Tensei
This page provides a comprehensive list of Skills in the game Shin Megami Tensei. On this page you'll find all the skills in the game together with their effects. If you're interested in exploring Items, Armors, Spells and Weapons, you can easily access their dedicated pages through the provided links below for more information and details.
Shin Megami Tensei Lists
- Armors
- Items
- Skills
- Spells
- Weapons
Feral Bite: 3 PWR, Bites one enemy.
Venom Bite: 3 PWR, Bites one enemy and Poisons it.
Stun Bite: 3 PWR, Bites one enemy and Paralyzes it.
Stone Bite: 3 PWR, Bites one enemy and Petrifies it.
Charm Bite: 1 PWR, Bites one enemy and Charms it.
Tackle: 4 PWR, Charges into an enemy and damages it.
Razor Wire: 3 PWR, Strangles one enemy and Binds it.
Berserk: 2 PWR, Damages one group of enemies.
Squash: 5 PWR, Crushes one enemy.
Feral Claw: 2 PWR, Claws two enemies.
Venom Claw: 2 PWR, Claws two enemies and poisons them.
Stun Claw: 2 PWR, Claws two enemies and Paralyzes them.
Deadly Hit: 4 PWR, Delivers a finishing blow to one enemy.
Tail: 3 PWR, Damages one group of enemies.
Critical: 3 PWR, Delivers a mighty blow against one enemy.
99 Needles: 2 PWR, Damages multiple enemies.
Toxic Sting: 2 PWR, Shoots a needle at an enemy and Poisons it.
Stun Needle: 3 PWR, Shoots a needle at an enemy and Paralyzes it.
Fireball: 52 PWR, A fire attack against multiple enemies.
Fire Breath: 60 PWR, A fire attack against multiple enemies.
Ice Breath: 38 PWR, An ice attack against multiple enemies.
Shock: 44 PWR, An electric attack against multiple enemies.
Wing Flap: 1 PWR, Damages one group of enemies.
Venom Breath: 32 PWR, Attacks multiple enemies and Poisons them.
Deathtouch: 30 PWR, Absorbs some HP from an enemy.
Sexy Dance: 12 PWR, Charms a group of enemies.
Happy Step: 22 PWR, Makes a group of enemies happy.
Panic Voice: 10 PWR, Makes a group of enemies panic.
Bind Voice: 9 PWR, Binds a group of enemies.
Lullaby: 23 PWR, Makes a group of enemies fall asleep.
Joy Song: 14 PWR, Makes a group of enemies happy.
Paral Eyes: 10 PWR, Paralyzes one enemy.
Petra Eyes: 12 PWR, Petrifies one enemy.
Death Road: 21 PWR, Causes one enemy to die.
Blood Thief: 9 PWR, Curses one enemy.
Bael's Curse: 6 PWR, Inflicts Fly status on one enemy.
Evil Smile: 18 PWR, An Energy Drain attack. Lowers the level of humanoid enemies.
Demon's Kiss: 20 PWR, An Energy Drain attack. Lowers the level of humanoid enemies.
Fog Breath: 10 PWR, Lowers an enemy group's hit rate by half.
Water Wall: Creates a shield that negates fire magic.
Fire Wall: Creates a shield that negates ice magic.
Guard: Defend (Enemy only).
Call Ally: Call an ally (Enemy only).
Escape: Run away (Enemy only).
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