Secret of Mana Armor Pro Action Replay Codes (USA)
If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. If you're playing with an actual physical console you'll need to purchase a physical Game Genie or Pro Action Replay and use the codes that way.
Those of you out there who are playing on an SNES Emulator that need help figuring out how to use the codes on this page should visit my how to setup Game Genie and PAR codes for SNES guide. That guide will go into a lot of detail about how to setup and use the codes you find on these pages and some trouble shooting tips for those who need them.
The codes on this page are only for in game armor. If the code you need isn't on this page then you should head back to my Secret of Mana Pro Action Replay codes index page and look over there. Alternatively if you'd like to see what Secret of Mana Game Genie codes that I have follow the link to be taken there instead.
Note: Secret of Mana has many duplicate codes because there were many different copies of the game made. Keep trying different versions of the same code if you don't have luck the first time! Alternatively check out my Pro Action Replay codes (add link) for the game which will give you even more options!
Armor Codes
Golden Vest in Slot 1: 7ECC305E
Golden Vest in Slot 2: 7ECC315E
Golden Vest in Slot 3: 7ECC325E
Golden Vest in Slot 4: 7ECC335E
Ruby Vest in Slot 1: 7ECC305F
Ruby Vest in Slot 2: 7ECC315F
Ruby Vest in Slot 3: 7ECC325F
Ruby Vest in Slot 4: 7ECC335F
Tiger Suit in Slot 1: 7ECC3060
Tiger Suit in Slot 2: 7ECC3160
Tiger Suit in Slot 3: 7ECC3260
Tiger Suit in Slot 4: 7ECC3360
Tiger Bikini in Slot 1: 7ECC3061
Tiger Bikini in Slot 2: 7ECC3161
Tiger Bikini in Slot 3: 7ECC3261
Tiger Bikini in Slot 4: 7ECC3361
Magical Armor in Slot 1: 7ECC3062
Magical Armor in Slot 2: 7ECC3162
Magical Armor in Slot 3: 7ECC3262
Magical Armor in Slot 4: 7ECC3362
Tortoise Mail in Slot 1: 7ECC3063
Tortoise Mail in Slot 2: 7ECC3163
Tortoise Mail in Slot 3: 7ECC3263
Tortoise Mail in Slot 4: 7ECC3363
Flower Suit in Slot 1: 7ECC3064
Flower Suit in Slot 2: 7ECC3164
Flower Suit in Slot 3: 7ECC3264
Flower Suit in Slot 4: 7ECC3364
Battle Suit in Slot 1: 7ECC3065
Battle Suit in Slot 2: 7ECC3165
Battle Suit in Slot 3: 7ECC3265
Battle Suit in Slot 4: 7ECC3365
Vest Guard in Slot 1: 7ECC3066
Vest Guard in Slot 2: 7ECC3166
Vest Guard in Slot 3: 7ECC3266
Vest Guard in Slot 4: 7ECC3366
Vampire Cape in Slot 1: 7ECC3067
Vampire Cape in Slot 2: 7ECC3167
Vampire Cape in Slot 3: 7ECC3267
Vampire Cape in Slot 4: 7ECC3367
Power Suit in Slot 1: 7ECC3068
Power Suit in Slot 2: 7ECC3168
Power Suit in Slot 3: 7ECC3268
Power Suit in Slot 4: 7ECC3368
Faerie Cloak in Slot 1: 7ECC3069
Faerie Cloak in Slot 2: 7ECC3169
Faerie Cloak in Slot 3: 7ECC3269
Faerie Cloak in Slot 4: 7ECC3369