Xenosaga Episode II CodeBreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Xenosaga Episode II (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend heading over to my Xenosaga Episode II Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) and searching for your code there instead!
Enable Code (Must Be On)
B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
92542D2B 6CCCA420
B2FE0D70 C25AEC70
A.G.W.S Codes
- ES Dinah
- ES Zebulun
- ES Asher
Character Codes
- Chaos
- Jin
- Jr
- Kos-mos
- Momo
- Shion
- Ziggy
Super Exp Gained After Battle: CD35EA09 9A8CB3AC
Hella Exp Gained After Battle: 96702A70 AA8B0B71
Ultra Exp Gained After Battle: 195913CC 0BF312F7
Super S.Pt Gained After Battle: 2D2BB004 A014C639
Hella S.Pt Gained After Battle: A460882B E1776B55
Ultra S.Pt Gained After Battle: 6B77508D F11AC8B6
Super C.Pt Gained After Battle: BC994E5E 8916685F
Hella C.Pt Gained After Battle: D25451A4 5593DD9C
Ultra C.Pt Gained After Battle: 0B075337 56437D5F
Infinite S. Pts Usage: 3D7DC7F8 53FFDC6B
Infinite C. Pts Usage (Learning Skills): EDBC8822 037068F1
Infinite Item Usage
4695F8FB D32E6F9F
47C5D98A 88490733
Extra Items
4695F8FB D32E6F9F
8CD871F7 72689E9C
Use Item For Max Item
4695F8FB D32E6F9F
AE5D79C4 DFD680B6
Enemies Cant Move
3E2B749A F441554E
8A06F37A 9D1642C0
Enemies Dont Come After You
3EAA8AFC 66439991
9B6AE99E 2629F2A9
Press Circle To Save Anywhere
5120B9A3 E8E3503E
BC420180 4A5F8AEF
952FEB92 85329B1B
Max C.Pt & S.Pt After 1 Battle
96FDE241 0AC08916
260443FD E783D8F7
573F9AD7 ABFC4C87
DD322B49 933AAB63
Have All Items (Including Japanese Ones)
330D0B10 8520597B
395C1C3D 2D49E018
Have All Items (Minus Japanese Ones)
C18834E2 08865CCF
395C1C3D 2D49E018
F616EC91 DA25E3CB
395C1C3D 2D49E018