Fairy IDs Guide - Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
On this page you'll find all of the information I have compiled about Fairy IDs in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. This genre of IDs are the healers of the game and while some Fairies can deal damage it's almost always hot garbage. One of the best offensive moves available to a Fairy is Poison Powder which inflicts poison on an enemy that deals 1 damage each tic. It'll also stagger the enemy which is arguably better than the damage it deals.
As far as healing moves go you get quite a few that are worth mentioning. Heal is your standard Heal and there are multiple ranks of it, each rank will cost more Hearts and also heal for more damage. You also have spells like Time Heal which is essentially a heal over time and Healing Field which creates an aura on the ground that you stand in and it'll heal you while you stand in it.
Spells like Healing Field are situationally useful, this spell is terrible during combat because it requires you to stand in one place but after combat it's a great way to heal up before moving on. Last but not least the best Fairy skill of all (in my opinion) is Invincible Vase. Tiramisu is the only Fairy that can learn this skill and it makes Hector invulnerable for 10 seconds while it is active. This means you can't be staggered as well as taking no damage.
For this reason Tiramisu takes the cake for the best Fairy ID in the game for me. Aside from being an all around great skill Invincible Vase has other uses like helping you Steal from Death or literally any other enemy in the game. Since you can't be staggered while it is active you don't have to worry about dodging attacks to Steal - you can just stand there and wait for the right moment while invulnerable.
(Tier 1) Infant Fairy
Infant Fairy is the first Fairy ID available to you and it's about as basic as can be. The Infant Fairy starts with 2 innate skills, Heal and Unlock - it doesn't learn any new skills until you evolve it into something else. Heal does what you'd imagine, it heals you for a small amount of damage. Unlock allows you to open treasure chests that you find throughout the world.
To use Unlock all you need to do is stand next to a treasure chest with any Fairy ID out and press the circle button. If you're playing on Xbox, whatever the Finishing Move button happens to be is what you'll want to press.
Evolution Paths
Leaffle: 40
Herbest: 40
(Tier 2) Leaffle
The Leaffle Fairy ID can learn the Time Heal and Poison Powder skills, both of these abilities are unlocked by defeating a certain number of enemies while Leaffle is active. Time Heal is one of the better combat heals in my opinion and is nice to have. Poison Powder inflicts poison on an enemy and is hit or miss in terms of value. It deals terrible damage but it staggers enemies while it's active which is actually pretty good.
One thing to note about Poison Powder is it can interfere with your ability to Steal from enemies. The window of opportunity where you're able to Steal may never appear due to them being repeatedly staggered by the poison damage.
Evolution Paths
Killer Bee: 70
Honey Bee: 70
(Tier 2) Herbest
Herbest is the weaker of the two Tier 2 Fairies due to the skills that it comes with. You can learn the skills Antidote and Heal Level 2 on this Fairy both of which are just ok. Heal Level 2 does marginally more than the first one and Antidote is decent, it will cure Hector of any poison affecting him.
Much like with most ID skills in this game you can learn these abilities by defeating a certain number of enemies while Herbest is active.
Evolution Paths
Killer Bee: 70
Hornet: 70
(Tier 3) Killer Bee
The Killer Bee Fairy is the most well rounded Tier 3 Fairy ID available and can learn the Heal Level 3 and Curse Breaker Skills. Both of these skills are learned by defeating a certain number of enemies while you have Killer Bee active. Heal does the exact thing you'd imagine it does - it's a more powerful Heal ability.
Curse Breaker is a passive skill that instantly cures you of any Curse that afflicts you. While the skill is good and useful it's not something you really need considering there are so few enemies that can Curse you in the first place.
Evolution Paths
(Final) Tiramisu: 90
(Final) Tiara: 90
(Tier 3) Honey Bee
The Honey Bee evolution is the only Tier 3 Fairy ID that can transform into the Proboscis Fairy, which you'll need for 100% Map Completion. As far as skills go the Honey Bee will learn the skill Healing Field which is... ok I guess. Healing Field is completely useless during combat but a pretty good ability outside of combat.
What Healing Field does is it creates a small circle on the ground which will heal you when you stand in it. Depending on your playstyle this may be a godsend or a mediocre ability. It's worth noting that Healing Field is useful for niche areas of the game like the Tower of Eternity and Tower of Evermore.
Evolution Paths
(Final) Tiramisu: 90
(Final) Proboscis: 90
(Tier 3) Hornet
Hornet is an ok Tier 3 Fairy ID that comes with two new skills, Lucky Slot and Stone Breaker. As always you'll unlock both of these abilities by defeating a certain number of enemies while Hornet is your active ID. Lucky Slot is one of the most useless skills available to the Fairy ID in this game. Essentially it's a slot machine that heals you depending on how good your roll is. Maybe fun for people who like to gamble?
Stone Breaker on the other hand is quite useful early on in the game in my opinion as it essentially makes you immune to petrification.
Evolution Paths
(Final) Comet Star: 90
(Final) Tiara: 90
(Final Tier) Proboscis Fairy
The Proboscis Fairy is one of the worst Final Tier Fairy IDs in terms of combat strength but it is required for 100% Map Completion. You can learn a total of 4 abilities with this Fairy, those abilities are - Press It and See, Just a Little, Skull Bomb and Refresh. Press It and See is the skill you'll need for 100% Map Completion; all of these skills are unlocked by defeating enemies while Proboscis Fairy is active.
Refresh is the best skill that this Fairy has available but it's not good enough to warrant using a Proboscis Fairy. What Refresh does is it automatically cures any status ailments that are applied to you. It's an amazing ability don't get me wrong - the only downside is there are better abilities available from other Final Tier Fairies.
(Final Tier) Tiramisu
Tiramisu is arguably the best Final Tier Fairy ID available to you. You can learn a total of 3 skills with this Fairy, Gold Heal, Decipher and Invincible Vase. All 3 of these skills are unlocked by defeating a certain number of enemies while Tiramisu is active. One of the skills, Decipher, is required to read ancient scripts throughout the game. You can just google what the ancient scripts say though so this isn't truly required.
Invincible Vase is the skill that I would like to draw your attention to since it's arguably the best skill any Fairy ID gets access to. When you use Invincible Vase it'll make Hector invulnerable to all damage for about 10 seconds; which not only means you won't take damage but you can't get staggered.
Gold Heal is also an amazing skill once you progress far enough into the game and gold starts accumulating in your inventory. Once you hit 99 of any Material in your inventory be sure to sell it and you'll always have some extra gold available for this skill. Since we can only hold 5 Potions and 3 High Potions, what else can you spend the money on? 5000G is a full heal, I use it pretty much every Boss Rush Mode.
(Final Tier) Tiara
Tiara is one of the more worthless Fairy IDs mostly because the abilities available to her are trash. You can learn Healing Drop and Crystal Skull on Tiara, as always both of these skills are unlocked by defeating a certain number of enemies while Tiara is active.
Healing Drop makes enemies that are hit drop orbs that heal you for 2HP per orb (whoopdie do); Crystal Skull will make you invisible for a short period of time. Neither of these abilities are anything that impressive and there are significantly better skills that you can be getting.
(Final Tier) Comet Star
Comet Star is the last Final Tier Fairy ID on our list and this one is decent, probably 2nd best. You can unlock a total of 3 skills on this ID, Twinkle Shot, Lullaby and Heal Level 4 - all of these skills are unlocked by defeating a certain number of enemies while Comet Star is active. Lullaby is the stand out skill of the bunch - sadly it's a skill you can't control and one your Fairy will use when she feels like it.
What Lullaby does is it'll put all enemies to sleep in a large radius - this will allow you to get many free hits in without worrying about being attacked back. Twinkle Shot is a skill that deals damage to enemies but doesn't do much damage which makes it bleh. Heal Level 4 is decent too considering that it's the best heal that is available to the Fairy ID genre.
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