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Quest #007 Curious Crevice - Stornway Castle

Quest 007 Start Location

Quest Requirements: Bring him 1 Slimedrop

Reward: Seed of Strength

This quest begins inside of the well in Stornway Castle. You'll find the well in the eastern courtyard of the castle; in order to reach it you'll want to go to the northeastern part of L1 inside the castle and out the door. All this quest requires is a Slimedrop item which is a rather common drop from basically all slime enemies throughout the game.

If you don't already have this item and you've yet to do the Gladiator Class Unlock Sidequest, I would recommend doing both these together. You'll have to first reach Alltrades Abbey and complete that part of the story before you can accept the Gladiator Class Unlock quest - which is one town/dungeon ahead of Stornway.






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