WinBack: Covert Operations Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay codes that I have for WinBack: Covert Operations (USA), a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.
For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.
If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my WinBack: Covert Operations Guides and Walkthroughs page and choose a different section.
Invulnerable Against Enemies: 801793D8 0040
Invulnerable to Physical Attacks: 8102DF98 2400
Big Head Mode: 8010DCCD 0001
(Regular Enemies) One Hit Kills: 800CB119 0000
Press L to Restore Health: 8010DC7C 0001
Unused Multiplayer Level
Enter Multiplayer with this code on
8116A390 0021
8116A4EA 004A
Multi-Modifier Code
M-16 Assault Rifle With Infinite Ammo - Up
Cool Handgun With Infinite Ammo - Left
Rocket Launcher With Infinite Ammo - Right
Silenced Handgun - A + Up
Invisible Gun #1 - A + Left
Invisible Gun #2 - A + Right
Invisible Shotgun - Z + Up
Become Small - Z + Left
Become Large - Z + Right
Become Normal Size - Z + Down
D013A6F4 0008
8017AAA8 0004
D013A6F4 0002
8017AAA8 0005
D013A6F4 0001
8017AAA8 0009
D013A6F4 0088
8017AAA8 0014
D013A6F4 0082
8017AAA8 0006
D013A6F4 0081
8017AAA8 0007
D013A6F4 0028
8017AAA8 0008
D013A6F4 0022
8017AAAA 0001
D013A6F4 0021
8017AAAA 0002
D013A6F4 0024
8017AAAA 0000
D013A6F5 0020
801587C8 0001
D013A6F5 0021
801587C9 0001
D013A6F5 0022
801587CA 0001