WCW/nWO Revenge - Weapon Modifiers Gameshark Codes (USA)
This page contains the Gameshark codes that I have for WCW/nWO Revenge, a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Gameshark or Xploder device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.
For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.
If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my WCW/nWO Revenge Gameshark Codes page and choose a different section.
Note: These codes are very glitchy. They will glitch randomly as well as at predictable times (like when you hit someone with a specific weapon in a specific spot).
Player 1
800F9D31 0003
810F98E0 ????
800F98E2 0000
800F99A0 0000
Player 2
800FA0E1 0003
810F9910 ????
800F9912 0001
800F99A1 0001
Player 3
800FA491 0003
810F9940 ????
800F9942 0002
800F99A2 0002
Player 4
800FA841 0003
810F9970 ????
800F9972 0003
800F99A3 0003
Replace the ???? above with the Weapon you'd like to use from the list below.
0000 - Mallot
0101 - Blue Microphone
0202 - Black Microphone
0303 - Trophy
0404 - Black Baseball Bat
0505 - Spotted Baseball Bat
0606 - Steel Chair
0707 - Table Piece
0808 - Trash Can
0909 - Suitcase
0A0A - Stop Sign
FFFF - Nothing