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Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Version 1.0) - Misc Action Replay Codes (USA)

This page contains the Action Replay codes that I have for Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Version 1.0) (USA), a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.

For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.

If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Version 1.0) Action Replay Codes page and choose a different section.


Infinite Time To Enter Ultimate Kombat Kode: 8012DA7B 0009
Use with an Activator if you're not on an Emulator

Jade Can Still Be Hit By Projectiles When Flashing: 8107F4A0 2400

Motaro Can Be Finished: 8103A298 2400

(Modifier) Number of Consecutive Battles Needed To Play Land of Rellim: 81039CAE ????
The default value for ???? is 0064

(Modifier) Number of Consecutive Battles Needed To Play Pong: 81039D1E ????
The default value for ???? is 0032

Number of Consecutive Battles Played In 2-Player Mode: 8125757C ????

(Player 1) Controlled By CPU: 801697F9 0000

(Player 1) Controlled By Human: 801697F9 0001

(Player 2) Controlled By CPU: 80169A91 0000

(Player 2) Controlled By Human: 80169A91 0001

Can't Hit Anyone No Matter What: 8103E8C0 1000

Current Round Modifier: 81257564 ????

(Difficulty Modifier) Very Easy: 800A3E35 0000

(Difficulty Modifier) Easy: 800A3E35 0001

(Difficulty Modifier) Medium: 800A3E35 0002

(Difficulty Modifier) Hard: 800A3E35 0003

(Difficulty Modifier) Very Hard: 800A3E35 0004

Double Freezing Doesn't Come Back On Sub-Zero: 81059BE8 1000

Elastic Run Meters: 8101479E 0060

(Player 1) Projectile Attacks Go Through Opponent: 8103E7F0 2400

(Modifier) Rate of Which Run Meter Decreases: 8103F5B2 ????

Shao Kahn Can Be Finished: 8103A2A0 1000

(Modifier) Starting Amount of Health Both Players Get: 81003736 ????
The Default value for ???? is 00A6

(Modifier) Starting Amount of Run Both Players Get: 8100373A ????
The default value for ???? is 0030

Sub-Zero's Freeze Timer: 81059D42 ????
The default value for ???? is 0060


Number of Rounds Needed To Win Fight
The default value for ???? is 0002

81039E3C 1000
81037636 ????


(Player 1) Can't Be Thrown

81061570 0800
81061572 0024
81000090 8DCF
81000092 03BC
81000094 3C1B
81000096 8017
81000098 8F78
8100009A 980C
8100009C 3C1B
8100009E 8006
810000A0 51F8
810000A2 0001
810000A4 277B
810000A6 0014
810000A8 277B
810000AA 1574
810000AC 0360
810000AE 0008
810000B0 2400


(Player 2) Can't Be Thrown

81061570 0800
81061572 0024
81000090 8DCF
81000092 03BC
81000094 3C1B
81000096 8017
81000098 8F78
8100009A 9AB4
8100009C 3C1B
8100009E 8006
810000A0 51F8
810000A2 0001
810000A4 277B
810000A6 0014
810000A8 277B
810000AA 1574
810000AC 0360
810000AE 0008
810000B0 2400


Motaro Can Be Hit By Projectiles

8107F9F4 1000
8107F254 1000


Normal Hits Don't Cause Fatality Time To End

8103A454 1000
8105CDB4 1000


(Player 1) Reflects Projectiles

8107F25C 3C1B
8107F25E 8017
8107F260 8F6B
8107F262 ????
8107F264 150B


(Player 2) Reflects Projectiles

8107F25C 3C1B
8107F25E 8017
8107F260 8F6B
8107F262 ????
8107F264 150B


(Player 1) Projectiles Go Through You

8107F498 0800
8107F49A 0015
81000054 3C1B
81000056 8017
81000058 8F64
8100005A 980C
8100005C 1444
8100005E 0003
81000060 2400
81000064 03E0
81000066 0008
81000068 3402
8100006A 8000
8100006C 0801
8100006E FD28
81000070 2404
81000072 011F


(Player 2) Projectiles Go Through You

8107F498 0800
8107F49A 0015
81000054 3C1B
81000056 8017
81000058 8F64
8100005A 9AB4
8100005C 1444
8100005E 0003
81000060 2400
81000064 03E0
81000066 0008
81000068 3402
8100006A 8000
8100006C 0801
8100006E FD28
81000070 2404
81000072 011F


Shang Tsung's Morph Timer Modifier
Default value for ???? is 0200

8106E4A4 2C41
8106E4A6 ????


(Player 1) Starting Amount of Aggressor Modifier

81039A78 241B
81039A7A ????
81039A7C A43B


(Player 2) Starting Amount of Aggressor Modifier

81039A70 241B
81039A72 ????
81039A74 A43B