Mario Party Gameshark Codes (USA)
This page contains the Gameshark codes that I have for Mario Party, a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Gameshark or Xploder device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.
For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.
If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Mario Party Guides and Walkthroughs page and choose a different section.
Jukebox Shop Music Modifier Codes
Activator 1 P1: D00ECE08 00??
Activator 2 P1: D00ECE09 00??
Dual Activator P1: D10ECE08 ????
Activator 1 P2: D00ECE0A 00??
Activator 2 P2: D00ECE0B 00??
Dual Activator P2: D10ECE0A ????
Activator 1 P3: D00ECE0C 00??
Activator 2 P3: D00ECE0D 00??
Dual Activator P3: D10ECE0C ????
Activator 1 P4: D00ECE0E 00??
Activator 2 P4: D00ECE0F 00??
Dual Activator P4: D10ECE0E ????
Upper Left Char. Rolls Modifier: 800D62D3 00??
Upper Right Char. Rolls Modifier: 800D6317 00??
Lower Left Char. Rolls Modifier: 800D635B 00??
Lower Right Char. Rolls Modifier: 800D639F 00??
Upper Left Char. Coins Modifier: 810F32B8 00??
Upper Left Char. Stars Modifier: 810F32BC 00??
Upper Right Char. Coins Modifier: 810F32E8 00??
Upper Right Char. Stars Modifier: 810F32EC 00??
Lower Left Char. Coins Modifier: 810F3318 00??
Lower Left Char. Stars Modifier: 810F331C 00??
Lower Right Char. Coins Modifier: 810F3348 00??
Lower Right Char. Stars Modifier: 810F334C 00??
Infinite Lives On Mini-Game Island: 800F37BB 0063
Coins Modifier (Use On Main Menu): 810ED142 ????
Stars Modifier (Use On Main Menu): 800ED145 00??
Start on Turn 21 (Use On Main Menu): 800ED5C9 0015
Coins Modifier On Minigame Island: 800F37C4 00??
Coins Modifier In Minigame Stadium (1st Slot): 811B571A ????
Infinite Time (Mecha Fly): 800ED749 00FF
Mecha Fly Guy Flies For 21 Seconds (191 Spins): 8022623B FFFF
Upper Left Character, 100 Points (Face Lift): 800FCA03 0064
Slow Motion: 800F383F 002A
Always Pedaling Bike In Pedal Power: 800FA720 00FF
With this code Pedal Power still requires you to move the Control Stick, although a lot less.
Amount of Turns Modifier: 800ED5C7 00??
Always On Turn Modifier: 800ED5C9 00??
Have Fake 255 Stars (Mushroom Village): 800ED145 FFFF
Dk's Jungle Adventure-Play Time Modifier: 800ED121 00??
Dk's Jungle Adventure-Stars Modifier: 800ED123 00??
Peach's Birthday Cake-Play Time Modifier: 800ED125 00??
Peach's Birthday Cake-Stars Modifier: 800ED127 00??
Yoshi's Tropical Island-Play Time Modifier: 800ED129 00??
Yoshi's Tropical Island-Stars Modifier: 800ED12B 00??
Wario's Battle Canyon-Play Time Modifier: 800ED12D 00??
Wario's Battle Canyon-Stars Modifier: 800ED12F 00??
Luigi's Engine Room-Play Time Modifier: 800ED131 00??
Luigi's Engine Room-Stars Modifier: 800ED133 00??
Mario's Rainbow Castle-Play Time Modifier: 800ED135 00??
Mario's Rainbow Castle-Stars Modifier: 800ED137 00??
Bowser's Magma Mountain-Play Time Modifier: 800ED139 00??
Bowser's Magma MountainStars Modifier: 800ED13B 00??
Eternal Star-Play Time Modifier: 800ED13D 00??
Eternal Star-Stars Modifier: 800ED13F 00??
Mecha Fly Guy Speed Up: 80226231 FFFF
Mecha Fly Guy Are Not On The Center Of Screen: 80226240 FFFF
Mecha Fly Guy Flies For 12 Minutes With A Little Control Stick Push: 8022623A 0054
(Box Modifier) Coin Box: 800ED147 0000
(Box Modifier) Lucky Box: 800ED147 0001
(Box Modifier) Casino Box: 800ED147 0002
(Box Modifier) Goomba Box: 800ED147 0003
Title Screen Look: 800ED14E 00FF
Infinite Time (Face Lift): 800ED744 000D
Infinite Time (Coin Block Blitz): 810FA7EE 0710
Infinite Time (Coin Block Bash): 811024F6 0700
Infinite Time (Coin Shower Flower): 810FAD3A 0710
Have 50 Mini Island Games Beaten
800F37BC 00FF
800F37BD 00FF
800F37BE 00FF
800F37BF 00FF
800F37C0 00FF
800F37C1 00FF
800F37C2 00FF
800F37C3 00FF
Press R Button To Reset Timer To 0 (Bobsled Run)
D00ECE09 0010
810FF34C 0000
Press R Button To Reset Timer To 60 Seconds (Cast Aways)
D00ECE09 0010
810FB548 003C
Press R Button To Reset Timer To 60 Seconds (Bumper Balls)
D00ECE09 0010
810FCD16 003C