Dark Rift - Auto Death Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay codes that I have for Dark Rift (USA), a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.
For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.
If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Dark Rift Action Replay Codes Index page and choose a different section.
Note: For these codes make sure you use all parts to make it work; most have 2 parts but Aaron's code has 3. When using these codes press R or Z when a boss doesn't die automatically, for Demitron press L.
Auto Death For Aaron (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
81293C00 0000
812AD9F8 0000
8127CAE8 0000
81298250 0000
8127F180 0000
812B2A18 0000
812B8928 0000
Auto Death For Aaron (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81272BD0 0000
Auto Death For Aaron (Part 3)
D113ECF4 0010
81294460 0000
Auto Death For Demitron (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
81263A68 0000
8127F1D0 0000
8129F8A8 0000
81266100 0000
81294978 0000
8127B3E0 0000
81299998 0000
8127AB80 0000
Auto Death For Demitron (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81259BA0 0000
Auto Death For Demonica (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
8127EB28 0000
812992F0 0000
8127A4D8 0000
81265A58 0000
8129F200 0000
812633C0 0000
812942D0 0000
8127AD38 0000
Auto Death For Demonica (Part 2)
d113ecf4 0020
81258978 0000
Auto Death For Eve (Part 1)
8138A750 0000
812A0AF8 0000
8128B818 0000
812A0298 0000
812C4FC0 0000
812BA090 0000
812A48E8 0000
81289180 0000
812BF0B0 0000
Auto Death For Eve (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
8127FFF0 0000
Auto Death For Scarlet (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
812BD7F0 0000
81284048 0000
812B78E0 0000
812819B0 0000
812B28C0 0000
81299328 0000
8129D118 0000
81298AC8 0000
Auto Death For Scarlet (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81277AC8 0000
Auto Death For Gore (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
812927A0 0000
8127B688 0000
8127DD20 0000
81296DF0 0000
812B74C8 0000
812B15B8 0000
812AC598 0000
81293000 0000
Auto Death For Gore (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81270F40 0000
Auto Death For Morphix (Part 1)
8138A750 0000
812BA9A8 0000
812AFA78 0000
812964E0 0000
812B4A98 0000
81281200 0000
81295C80 0000
8127EB68 0000
8129A2D0 0000
Auto Death For Morphix (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81274A10 0000
Auto Death For Niiki (Part 1)
D113ECF4 0020
812774F8 0000
Auto Death For Niiki (Part 2)
8138A968 0000
812B66D8 0000
812B16B8 0000
8129BF10 0000
81298120 0000
812BC5E8 0000
812978C0 0000
81282E40 0000
812807A8 0000
Auto Death For Sonork (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
8127D9C8 0000
81292448 0000
812B1260 0000
812B7170 0000
812AC240 0000
8127B330 0000
81296A98 0000
81292CA8 0000
Auto Death For Sonork (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81271098 0000
Auto Death For Zenmuron (Part 1)
8138A968 0000
812AFDF0 0000
81295FF8 0000
8127EEE0 0000
81296858 0000
8129A648 0000
812BAD20 0000
812B4E10 0000
81281578 0000
Auto Death For Zenmuron (Part 2)
D113ECF4 0020
81275678 0000