Command and Conquer 3D - Build Modifier Digits Gameshark Codes (USA)
This page contains the Gameshark codes that I have for Command and Conquer 3D, a game for the Nintendo 64. If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Gameshark or Xploder device to use the codes you find on this page and website. From what I have read and seen both of these cheat devices have cross compatibility.
For those of you out there using an Emulator such as Project 64, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator that will lead you to a section where you can add codes. Anyone who is using the Project 64 Emulator should check out my How to Setup Codes on Project 64 Guide for more information on how to get cheats working.
If you don't see the cheats you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Command and Conquer 3D Gameshark Codes page and choose a different section.
Replace the ?? in my build modifier codes with the modifier you'd like to use from the list below.
Building Digits
00 - Nothing
01 - Blank
02 - Sandbag Wall
03 - Chaing Link Fence
04 - Concrete Wall
05 - Tiberium Silo
06 - Power Plant
07 - Barracks [GDI Only]
08 - Hand of Nod [NOD Only]
09 - Guard Tower [GDI Only]
0A - Hospital [GDI Only]
0B - Bio-Research Lab [NOD Only]
0C - Gun Turret [NOD Only]
0D - Advanced Power Plant
0E - Sam Site [NOD Only]
0F - Communication Center
10 - Advanced Guard Tower [GDI Only]
11 - Repair Bay
12 - Helicopter Pad
13 - Obelisk Guard Tower [NOD Only]
14 - Tiberium Refinery
15 - Weapons Factory [GDI Only]
16 - Air Strip [NOD Only]
17 - Advanced Communciaiton Center [GDI]
18 - Temple of Nod [NOD Only]
Infantry Digits
19 - Mini Gunner
1A - Grenadier [GDI Only]
1B - Flame Thrower [NOD Only]
1C - Bazooka [GDI Only]
1D - Chem Warrior [NOD Only]
1E - Engineer
1F - Commando
Vehicle Digits
20 - Nod Buggy [NOD Only]
21 - Hum-Vee [GDI Only]
22 - Artillery [NOD Only]
23 - Recon Bike [NOD Only]
24 - Light Tank [NOD Only]
25 - APC [GDI Only]
26 - S.S.M. Launcher
27 - Med Tank [NOD Only]
28 - Rocket Launcher
29 - Flame Tank [NOD Only]
2A - Visceroid
2B - Stealth Tank [NOD Only]
2C - Harvester
2D - Mammoth Tank [GDI Only]
2E - Mobile Construction Yard
Aircraft Digits
2F - Orca [GDI Only]
30 - Attack Helicopter [NOD Only]
31 - Transportational Helicopter
Special Weapons Digits
32 - Air Strike
33 - Ion Cannon
34 - Nuclear Strike