Twilight Princess - Piece of Heart Locations & Guide
In Twilight Princess there is a total of 45 Pieces of Heart for you to find and it will take you 5 pieces for one Heart Container. That means 9 of your total heart capacity will come from the optional Heart Containers you acquire through Pieces of Heart.
Below are locations and guides for all 45 of the heart pieces you can find in Twilight Princess. For the most part they are organized by the different areas within the game that you'll come across and I have ordered each area based on when you will reach it throughout the story.
This works out for the most part except that a few pieces of heart are found in starting areas but can't be found until the end of the game. Faron Woods is a good example to this, it has the first piece of heart and one of the last in the game.
There are two pieces of heart for you to find in Faron Woods. The first of which you can find at the start of the game before you even get your Hero's Garb. The second piece of heart in Faron Woods can't be found until much later in the game after you get the Dominion Rod.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain both heart pieces in Faron Woods
There are two heart pieces for you to find in the Forest Temple. They are even in adjacent rooms to make your search easier! One requires you to feed a bomb to a plant and the second you'll need the Gale Boomerang for to put out some fires.
Continue for a more detailed walkthrough for the Forest Temple Pieces of Heart
There is only one piece of heart for you to find in the Faron Province of Hyrule Field. It's located up in a tree near the middle area of the field.
There are three pieces of heart for you to find in Kakariko Gorge which is located in the sourthern portion of Hyrule Field in the Eldin Province. The first two are found fairly early on in the game and you only need the Gale Boomerang to collect one and Bombs/Lantern for the other. The third one requires the Double Clawshot though, an item you don't get until one of the final dungeons.
After you're turned into a wolf at the start of the game you lose control of Epona for awhile. After you get her back return to Ordon Village and participate in the Cattle Round up game. If you get under 3 minutes you'll be rewarded with a piece of heart.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the piece of heart in Ordon Village
There are two Heart Pieces in the Goron Mines and both of them are exceptionally easy to obtain. They require you to navigate around the ceiling with your Iron boots and drop down to the chest that is holding the Piece of Heart. There's an extremely good chance you got these on your regular playthrough of the dungeon.
Continue for a more detailed walkthrough for the Goron Mines Pieces of Heart
After you complete the Goron Mines dungeon you'll open up some side quests that you can complete in Kakariko Village for pieces of heart. There are three pieces of heart within Kakariko Village - two of them relatively close to one another in the southern portion of the village.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Kakariko Village
After completing the Goron Mines you'll be able to freely travel to and from Death Mountain as well as receive boosts from all the Gorons you come across on your way up. From Kakariko Village speak with the second Goron you come across while traveling up the mountain. He will boost you up where you'll find an alcove with this piece of heart.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the piece of heart in Death Mountain
There is a single piece of heart for you to find in Hena's Fishing Hole. You will need to rent a canoe from Hena and grab the piece of heart off the cliff side with the Fishing Rod. This is also the same location you fish up the third Empty Bottle!
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Fishing Hole
Surprisingly enough in Castle Town there's only a single piece of heart that you can find. It requires you to donate 1000 Rupees to a man who stands nearby the gate you enter from.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Castle Town
As with all dungeons there are two pieces of heart for you to find in the Lakebed Temple. Both of these pieces of heart will require you to first get the dungeon item, the Clawshot. You can find one ontop the chandelier in the main room while the other is found in the lower floor either the east or west wing depending on the version of the game you're playing.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Lakebed Temple
There are a total of four pieces of heart for you to find around Lake Hylia. The first of which is from Flight by Fowl, a minigame that has you fly a Cuccoo from near the bridge atop the lake and try to land on a platform. One is in Lanayru's Spring and requires the Clawshot; another is found in a cave to the south of the Howling Stone. Finally the last one is from getting a high score from Plumm's minigame.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Lake Hylia
Two heart pieces are found in the Northern Eldin Province of Hyrule Field.
There is only a single piece of heart for you to find in the Gerudo Desert. It's in the Bulbin fortress which is found just outside of Arbiter's Grounds. The piece of heart is hidden within a boar carcass that is being roasted on the fire. Whack it with your sword a few times and you'll make the piece of heart pop out.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Gerudo Desert
In Arbiter's Grounds the first piece of heart is found within the first main room of the dungeon where you meet all four Poes. The second piece of heart is found shortly after you get the Spinner dungeon item. It's in one of the largest rooms of the dungeon with a maze of rails you have to jump across and navigate.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Arbiter's Grounds
There are two pieces of heart for you to obtain in the Lanayru Province of Hyrule Field. The first of which requires the Spinner and some quick reflexes; the second requires the Ball and Chain and is a rather long block puzzle.
Both pieces of heart in Snowpeak Ruins will require you first obtain the dungeon item, Ball and Chain. Once you have this item you'll find one piece of heart in the first room of the dungeon. It's fairly easy to find, you need to hit the chandeliers with the Ball and Chain. The other piece of heart is found on the first floor of the dungeon which can only be reached through a hole which you make on the second floor.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Snowpeak Ruins
There's only a single piece of heart for you in Snowpeak and you first must complete the Snowpeak Ruins to obtain it. This piece of heart comes from a minigame in which you have to race both the husband and wife you helped in Snowpeak Ruins. Hold forward on the control stick to go faster and make sure you take the short cut when racing the wife or you won't win.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Snowpeak
There is only a single piece of heart in the Sacred Grove and it can be obtained your first time through. In the middle of the room where you fight the Skull Kid you'll find a boulder. Destroy it and it will reveal a Poe as well as a place underneath of it you can dig in wolf form. Inside the cave is your prize.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Sacred Grove
There are 3 total pieces of heart in the Temple of Time which is one more than usual for dungeons in this game. The reason for this is, the third piece of heart is actually kind-of outside of the dungeon in the same place the Female Golden Snail is. The other two are found inside the dungeon like usual.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Temple of Time
The City in the Sky has two more pieces of heart for you to collect. Much like many of the previous dungeons, you'll first need to collect the dungeon item, the Double Clawshot, before you're able to obtain these pieces of heart.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in City in the Sky
The Palance of Twilight is the last dungeon in the game that houses pieces of heart. For these two pieces of heart you'll need the Sol dungeon item or the ability to slash away fog with your Master Sword which you get towards the end of this dungeon.
Continue reading for more information on how to obtain the pieces of heart in Palace of Twilight