Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network
Unleash your full potential in Mega Man Battle Network by browsing through our comprehensive list of Battle Chips, each accompanied by its current status. Whether you're after Program Advances, Bosses, or Items, simply click on the links below and embark on a journey towards victory.
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Cannon: 40 Attack.
HiCannon: 80 Attack.
M-Cannon: 120 Attack.
Shotgun: 30 Attack; Hits enemy and keeps going 1pnl.
CrossGun: 30 Attack; 4-panel diagonal blast.
Spreader: 30 Attack; Gun with a 1-panel blast.
Bubbler: Aqua element, 50 Attack; Bubbles w/ a 1-panel blast.
Heater: Fire element, 70 Attack; Fire with a 1-panel blast.
MiniBomb: 50 Attack; Throw a bomb. Depth=3.
LilBomb: 50 Attack; Throw a bomb. Depth=3.
CrosBomb: 70 Attack; Depth=3.
BigBomb: 90 Attack; Depth=3.
Sword: 80 Attack; Cut down enemies. Range=1.
WideSwrd: 80 Attack; Range=1.
LongSwrd: 80 Attack; Range=2.
FtrSword: 100 Attack; Warrior's sword. Range=3.
KnghtSwrd: 150 Attack; Knight's sword. Range=3.
HeroSwrd: 200 Attack; Legendary sword. Range=3.
FireSwrd: Fire element, 100 Attack; Cuts down column. Range=1.
AquaSwrd: Aqua element, 150 Attack; Range=1.
ElecSwrd: Electicity element, 120 Attack; Range=1.
Muramasa: Do damage = to your HP loss.
ShokWave: 60 Attack; Piercing ground wave.
SoniWave: 80 attack; Piercing ground wave.
DynaWave: 100 Attack; Piercing ground wave.
FireTowr: Fire element, 100 Attack; Fire that can move up & down.
AquaTowr: Aqua element, 120 Attack; Aqua that can move up & down.
WoodTowr: Wood element, 140 Attack; Log that can move up & down.
Quake1: 90 Attack; Cracks a panel. Depth=3.
Quake2: 120 Attack; Cracks a panel. Depth=3.
Quake3: 150 Attack; Cracks a panel. Depth=3.
GutsPnch: 60 Attack; Knocks stuff over. Range=1.
IcePunch: Aqua element, 80 Attack; Range=1.
Dash: 50 Attack; Knock over all in your path.
Howitzer: 150 Attack; Depth=3.
TriArrow: 40 Attack; Fires a 3-arrow burst.
TriSpear: 50 Attack; Fires a 3-spear burst.
TriLance: 60 Attack; Fires a 3-lance burst.
Ratton1: 80 Attack; Missile that can turn once.
Ratton2: 100 Attack; Missile that can turn once.
Ratton3: 120 Attack; Missile that can turn once.
Wave: Aqua element, 80 Attack; 3-row wave.
RedWave: Fire element, 100 Attack; 3-row lava wave.
BigWave: Aqua element, 160 Attack; 3-row giant wave .
Gaia1: 100 Attack; Rolling 3-column explosion.
Gaia2: 130 Attack; Rolling 3-column explosion.
Gaia3: 160 Attack; Rolling 3-column explosion.
Thunder1: Elec element, 90 Attack; A rolling lightning attack.
Thunder2: Elec element, 120 Attack; A rolling lightning attack.
Thunder3: Elec element, 150 Attack; A rolling lightning attack.
RingZap1: Elec element, 100 Attack; Lightning circles you once.
RingZap2: Elec element, 100 Attack; Lightning circles you twice.
RingZap3: Elec element, 100 Attack; Lightning circles you thrice.
Typhoon: 30 Attack; Creates a twister w/ 3 hits.
Huricane: 30 Attack; Creates a twister w/ 5 hits.
Cyclone: 30 Attack; Creates a twister w/ 8 hits.
Snakegg1: Wood element, 130 Attack; Squirming snake attack.
Snakegg2: Elec element, 140 Attack; Squirming snake attack.
Snakegg3: Fire element, 150 Attack; Squirming snake attack.
Drain1: 50 Attack; Charge to drain HP from enemy.
Drain2: 70 Attack; Charge to drain HP from enemy.
Drain3: 90 Attack; Charge to drain HP from enemy.
BodyBurn: Fire element, 100 Attack; Engulf all around you in flames.
X-Panel1: Erase 1 panel. Range=1.
X-Panel3: Erase 1 panel. Range=1.
Hammer: 100 Attack; Breaks cubes. Range=1.
MetGuard: Hold A Btn for 3 sec defense.
IronShld: Hold btn. to create shield.
Recov10: Recover 10HP.
Recov30: Recover 30HP.
Recov50: Recover 50HP.
Recov80: Recover 80HP.
Recov120: Recover 120HP.
Recov150: Recover 150HP.
Recov200: Recover 200HP.
Recov300: Recover 300Hp.
Steal: Steal left column of enemy area.
Geddon1: All panels become cracked.
Geddon2: Erases all empty panels.
Escape: Escape from most enemies.
Interupt: Destroy enemy chip data.
Repair: Repair panels in your area.
TimeBom1: 80 Attack; Sets time bomb in enemy area.
TimeBom2: 120 Attack; Sets time bomb in enemy area.
TimeBom3: 160 Attack; Sets time bomb in enemy area.
Cloud: Aqua element, 30 Attack; Rains up & down on 1 column.
Cloudier: Aqua element, 50 Attack; Rains up & down on 1 column.
Cloudest: Aqua element, 100 Attack; Rains up & down on 1 column.
Mine1: 160 Attack; Hides a mine in enemy area.
Mine2: 180 Attack; Hides a mine in enemy area.
Mine3: 200 Attack; Hides a mine in enemy area.
Dynamyt1: Wood element, 100 Attack; Looks right for enemy.
Dynamyt2: Wood element, 120 Attack; Looks diagonally for enemy.
Dynamyt3: Wood element, 100 Attack; Looks up & down for enemy.
Remobit1: Elec element, 80 Attack; Remote control smasher.
Remobit2: Elec element, 100 Attack; Remote control smasher.
Remobit3: Elec element, 120 Attack; Remote control smasher.
Lockon1: 10 Attack; Creates a lock on satellite.
Lockon2: 15 Attack; Creates a lock on satellite.
Lockon3: 20 Attack; Creates a lock on satellite.
Candle1: Fire element; Set candle & recover some HP.
Candle2: Fire element; Set candle & recover some HP.
Candle3: Fire element; Set candle & recover some HP.
Anubis: Set Anubis statue to reduce HP.
IceCube: Aqua element; Creates a ice cube. Range=1.
RockCube: Creates 3 rock cubes randomly.
BstrGard: 1-turn of MetGuard w/ B Btn.
BstrBomb: 1-turn of MiniBomb w/ B Btn.
BstrSwrd: 1-turn use of Sword with B Btn.
BstrPnch: 1-turn of GutsPnch with B Btn.
SloGauge: Slows down custom gauge.
FstGauge: Speeds up custom gauge.
Invis1: Temporary immunity.
Invis2: Temporary immunity.
Invis3: Temporary immunity.
Dropdown: Wood element; Invisible until you attack.
Popup: Invisible when not attacking.
IronBody: 30 seconds stoneshape Defense UP.
Barrier: Nullify 1 enemy attack.
BblWrap1: Aqua element, Aqua wall Comes back if damaged.
BblWrap2: Aqua element; Aqua wall Comes back if damaged.
BblWrap3: Aqua element, Aqua wall Comes back if damaged.
LeafShld: Wood element; Turns dmg from 1 hit into HP.
AquaAura: Aqua element.
FireAura: Fire element.
WoodAura: Wood element.
LifeAura: Negate all attacks w/ damage<100.
Rool: 60 Attack; Hit enemy and heal some HP.
Rool2: 80 Attack; Hit enemy and heal some HP.
Rool3: 100 Attack; Hit enemy and heal some HP.
GutsMan: 40 Attack; Shock foe and crack enemy area.
GutsMan2: 70 Attack; Shock foe and crack enemy area.
GutsMan3: 100 Attack; Shock foe and crack enemy area.
PhotoMan: 140 Attack; Hit column w/ nearest enemy.
PhotoMn2: 160 Attack; Hit column w/ nearest enemy.
PhotoMn3: 180 Attack; Hit column w/ nearest enemy.
FireMan: Fire element, 100 Attack; 1 row fire arm.
FireMan2: Fire element, 120 Attack; 1 row fire arm.
FireMan3: Fire element, 150 Attack; 1 row fire arm.
NumbrMan: DieRollx10 damage to enemy area.
NumbrMn2: DieRollx20 damage to enemy area.
NumbrMn3: DieRollx30 damage to enemy area.
StoneMan: 100 Attack; Drops 3x3 stones on enemy area.
StoneMn2: 100 Attack; Drops 4x3 stones on enemy area.
StoneMn3: 100 Attack; Drops 5x3 stones on enemy area.
IceMan: Aqua element, 60 Attack; Blizzard attack on enemy area.
IceMan2: Aqua element, 80 Attack; Blizzard attack on enemy area.
IceMan3: Aqua element, 100 Attack; Blizzard attack on enemy area.
ColorMan: 90 Attack.
ColorMn2: 110 Attack.
ColorMn3: 130 Attack.
ElecMan: Elec element, 90 Attack; Lightning hits enemy panel.
ElecMan2: Elec element, 120 Attack; Lightning hits enemy panel.
ElecMan3: Elec element, 150 Attack; Lightning hits enemy panel.
BombMan: Fire element, 120 Attack; Enemy area CrossBomb.
BombMan2: Fire element, 140 Attack; Enemy area CrossBomb.
BombMan3: Fire element, 160 Attack; Enemy area CrossBomb.
MagicMan: 100 Attack.
MagicMn2: 120 Attack.
MagicMn3: 140 Attack.
WoodMan: Wood element, 60 Attack; Skewer entire enemy area.
WoodMan2: Wood element, 80 Attack; Skewer entire enemy area.
WoodMan3: Wood element, 100 Attack; Skewer entire enemy area.
SkullMan: 150 Attack; Big skull attack on one enemy.
SkullMn2: 180 Attack; Big skull attack on one enemy.
SkullMn3: 210 Attack; Big skull attack on one enemy.
SharkMan: Aqua element, 90 Attack.
SharkMn2: Aqua element, 110 Attack.
SharkMn3: Aqua element, 130 Attack.
PharoMan: 100 Attack; 3-row coffin laser.
PharoMn2: 120 Attack; 3-row coffin laser.
PharoMn3: 140 Attack; 3-row coffin laser.
ShadoMan: 90 Attack; Split into 3 for star attack.
ShadoMn2: 90 Attack; Split into 3 for star attack.
ShadoMn3: 100 Attack; Split into 3 for star attack.
Bass: 200 Attack; Explodes on entire area.
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