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DemiKids: Dark Version Walkthrough - Chapter 1

When you gain control of your character for the first time you'll find yourself in a classroom of a school, exit this class room for a scene with your friends that lays out the groundwork for the game's story. How much of this area you'd like to explore is up to you. There are many items hidden throughout but they're all optional - you can find them by inspecting the shelves and various parts of the backdrop.

To continue with the game's story you'll want to visit your friends inside the room on the eastern end of the hallway, they will be in the top right having a conversation. Approach them and speak with them for another scene. Once that scene is done speak with the girl that has red hair to get the book that you need and return to your friends.

You'll have another scene during which you'll summon a demon! This demon's name is Gargoyle and he will threaten your group; during the scene you'll be given the Demiloc and Vinecom items which will allow you to defend yourself against the demon.

Gargoyle Demikids

Demiloc will summon a demon of your own named Gale which you can use to battle the Gargoyle. Gale will reveal that the main character is a DemiKid, half human and half demon. Shortly after this revelation the battle will commence. As you can expect from the first battle of the game it isn't too difficult, all you have to do is attack twice with Gale to secure victory.

After battle there will be another scene during which you'll learn that Jin too is a DemiKid. Before you regain control of your character a few more demons will join your party; Aminoz, Lava Rat and Windling. With all of the new additions you'll have a full battle group! Exit the room that you're in and walk over to your friends who are standing at the entrance of the school, when you approach there will be a scene.

Remember the time rift that the previous demon mentioned? Your friends are currently messing with it. During the scene your friends will touch the rift and you will all be thrown back into time. There will be a little bit more dialogue before you regain control of your character. Now we're in the first dungeon of the game.

Our destination is the roof of the school, on your way up you'll have a battle against a Pixy. This will be an extremely easy fight, just hit the demon a few times and it will go down. Continue to the roof of the school and enter into the door in the top right portion of the area. Inside you'll have another scene, talk to the kid in the northern portion of this room and then try to exit to trigger another scene.

The demon from the start of the game, Forlo, will appear and tell you to visit Dem to get your answers. Step onto the large demon-looking platform (this is called a Dem Gate) to enter into Dem. When you arrive in Dem you'll want to travel south into the town of Hueyville, a town of DemWind (pictured below).

DemWind Hueyville

Hueyville will have a shop (marked S), a Demon Lab (marked with a Star) and a Clinic/Inn (marked with an M/H). You can purchase items at the shop, the Clinic/Inn is for resurrecting your demons and restoring their HP/MP when they're alive. The Demon Lab is a bit more complex as that lets you fuse your demons together into something stronger.

I recommend you stop at the item shop and purchase a DemWind Map which will allow you to view Hueyville and all of the surrounding areas on your map. The only other item I recommend you buy at this time is the Angel Wing, when you use this item you'll be teleported back to town. It's good to always have one of these on you.

When you're ready to continue with the story exit out of the eastern side of town to find Wind Valley. Before you do anything more with the main story I strongly recommend that you spend a long time grinding. Maybe I am just terrible at this game but I found my characters to be far too weak initially and I didn't feel comfortable going deep into a dungeon.


The Grind

The first thing you'll notice about this game when grinding is that the demons you have don't level up, only your character does. If you want to make your demons more powerful you'll need to fuse them together using the Demon Lab building inside of Hueyville. However, in order to fuse demons you'll need more demons than you currently have... this is where recruitment comes into play.

Anyone who has played a Shin Megami Tensei game before will probably recognize the recruitment system in this game. When you get into a battle you will have an option for 'Recruit' - when you select this option you'll first pick which one of your demons does the talking and then you'll pick which demon you want to recruit. After doing this you will be given two options, from my experience both options are always 50/50 on every demon.

Occasionally the demons you try to recruit will ask you for an item or some money and if you accomodate them, they'll join you. Sometimes they will join you for free and other times they will give you an item, attack you or leave the battle.

Give Money to Recruit Demon

What I recommend you do is spend a lot of time using Recruit on a bunch of demons and getting all types to join you. You should get one of each type and then start using Fuse at the Demon Lab to create new demons. Always combine different types of demons together as that seems to create a new demon most of the time.

Gale is a unique demon and he can be fused with other demons but he can't change himself. For Gale (since he is our 'main character') what I like to do is fuse him together with every type of demon you can. It seems like Gale will get the most skill ups when he is fused together with a new demon type rather than the same type over and over.

So, now that I have explained all of that let's talk about my full recommendation. Use Recruit on all of the demons you can until you have one of every type and fuse them together with Gale. Fuse all of your demons together with different demons to create new types and then fuse the new types you create into Gale as well.

Once you've made Gale as strong as you'd like you should do a few more fusions until you get a battle party of 4 that you like. I turned my crappy party of 4 into an over powered party of 2 in about two hours of play.


Back to the game

When you're ready to proceed with the game you can continue through Wind Valley to reach Sword Cave and then Kibra Woods. Inside Kibra Woods you'll find the Wind Shrine which is the area we need. Along the way there will be numerous chests for you to grab but the route is as linear as can be.

At the Wind Shrine you'll find a bell, ring it 3 times to start your first difficult boss fight. If you haven't done a lot of fusions then you'll get beaten here. If you're like me and you did 20-30 fusions you'll two shot the boss. Your reward will be a Hyper Pinwheel and a lecture about what to do. Once beaten watch the scenes and then return to town via item (Angel Wing) or by walking.

Rest up in town, do any fusions you want and go through the southern exit. There will be a scene and you'll be asked to use the Hyper Pinwheel on the time rift, choose yes and continue south when it's done. We'll be in a new area called Lost Forest now with some new demons. I'm not going to tell you this each time we visit a new area, but I recommend you recruit all of the new demons you come across so that we can fuse them together into new and powerful demons (and then into Gale).

Our destination is a place called Center Town which you'll find by following the route through Lost Forest and Galin Plains. The Galin Plains map is the first one of the game that isn't extremely linear, it's still easy to figure out a route through the area but it does have more twists and turns than the previous locations. In the southern portion of Galin Plains you'll find a house with a Wyregg demon inside of it, talk to that demon and he'll join your party. Search the house this demon is inside too and you'll find more goodies (interact with the various objects in the house to find hidden stuff).

You'll find Center Town to the west of the house with Wyregg, simply continue across the bridges until you run into the town.

Center Town Shop

Center Town has a few new shops and buildings for you to check out - one of the buildings marked C is a Casino which allows you to buy tokens and gamble. The building marked with a Un symbol is the BattleNet building (no, not the Blizzard BattleNet). It seems like the BattleNet building is here to serve as a link cable building that lets you battle with friends or trade demons etc, kind of the same way Pokemon does. It also seems that you can participate in the BattleNet stuff without a link cable too but it's too difficult for our lower level demons currently.

Inside of the BattleNet building you'll find a demon named Wartak (to the left of the counter), he will reward you when you fill more of your Pokedex with demons... It's actually called the Demonary in this game but let's face it, it's a Pokedex for demons and we all know it. Last but not least, if you enter into the fusion building (the one with a star) you'll notice a new NPC aside from the one we've been using. This girl will let us create a new demon from 3 Relics that we fuse together. We don't have enough relics right now but this is something to keep in mind.

While you're in town I recommend you buy a DemCenter Map from the item store and Loc Boost. If you'd like you can buy some relics too and fuse them into new demons, if you spent a lot of time on your party before then you don't have to worry about doing this.

To continue with the story you'll want to exit out of the northern portion of Center Town and continue north through Heldun Flats until you run into our next boss fight, Grevir. If you struggle with this boss fight I recommend you do a lot of fusion to buff up Gale and at least one other demon.

After Grevir is defeated continue north to reach a new section of the Heldun Flats; this part has a few twists and turns but is still easy to navigate. In the northwestern portion of this area you'll find a chest with an Alarm inside of it. This will increase the room in your Demiloc Gun, this is a powerful upgrade and worth searching for. Continue north through the Heldun Flats until you reach the Dark Palace.

Finding your way through the Dark Palace is easy since every way except the route to Lord Lucifer will be blocked off. Head up the stairs and stand on the stars on the ground to teleport around; continue along the linear path to meet Lord Lucifer.

Meeting Lord Lucifer

You'll have some dialogue with Lord Lucifer during which he'll give you a Kingloc item which lets you hold King-class demons and it expands your battle party size by 1. When you're done with Lord Lucifer go north of his throne and take the teleporter, this will put you into the same map as the Orgel Room. Search this area for a chest with FEM Talk inside of it, it gives you a 30% increased chance to recruit female demons.

Note: If you want to upgrade your Demiloc or Kingloc you can do so by opening the Vinecom in the menu and then going to Set. This lets you equip upgrades like the Alarm, FEM Talk and the Loc Boost that we got earlier.

If you travel north through the Orgel Room map you'll find the actual Orgel Room with the Time Maidens inside of it. Enter and there will be a scene; when the scene is finished talk with the Time Maidens and they'll give you a Time Chain which can be used to close some of the time rifts. They'll also tell you to visit the Ice Temple which is west of Center Town - this is our next destination.

Use an Angel Wing item if you have one to quickly travel back to Center Town and from here you can do any town-stuff that you need before going west to our next destination. When you exit west out of Center Town you'll notice a time rift right in front of you, use the Time Chain on it to clear it and you'll have access to a new area, Luna Prairie.

Travel west through Luna Prairie to reach the Icy Wastes - when you enter the Icy Wastes you'll get a short scene with your friends from the school. When it's finished continue through the Icy Wastes to reach the next town, Frostville.

Frostyville Town
Frostville Town

Frostville has a bunch of optional stuff we can do in it along with the typical town stuff like healing and fusing demons. I recommend you visit the item shop and purchase the DemIce Map since that will allow us to see the areas around us. Purchase any other items you'd like to bring with you as well and then head out.

Below are a few more things you should do in this town before moving on, these are optional but they give goodies that you don't want to miss.

Frostville To-do List:

1. Inspect the well in the center of town for a Soul Gem
2. Visit the building next to the item shop and search between the bookshelves to reveal a demon; type out Light Ikonda when it asks for a password and it will join you
3. Enter into the building in the top right of town. Use the Soul Gem on the still figure that isn't moving inside of here named Coperia.

If you do both optional tasks here you'll get a powerful demon named Ikonda and another powerful demon named Coperia. Both of these demons have good stats and make fine additions to your party if you don't have anything better... If you do have better then just fuse these demons into something else.

There are many additional items for you to find in Frostville too. Inspect the shelves, jars and things like that to reveal more goodies.

Nintendo Power Demon
Inspect the area between the bookshelves in Frostville to reveal the Nintendo Power Secret Demon

When you're done in Frostville exit out of the northern portion of town to find yourself in the Polar Wastes. In the northeastern portion of the Polar Wastes you will find a time rift blocking a house, if you'd like you can use one of your Time Chains on this rift and clear the path into the house. This will lead you into the Ace Base, there isn't much you can do here currently except talk with the guys inside.

If you'd like there is a secondary area called the Ice Cave west of the Polar Wastes for you to explore. Inside you'll find a few time rifts and a Dredfang item. I've read there is a side quest that takes place in here too but I couldn't figure out how to trigger it or what to do.

To progress the story you will want to travel north of the Polar Wastes to reach the Ice Temple. When you enter the Ice Temple map continue north into the actual Ice Temple and north once you're inside the dungeon until you reach the boss, Harborim. All you have to do is talk with Harborim to challenge him. Once you've defeated Harborim you will get some dialogue from Gale about something being wrong...

What you pick next is kind of important. If you choose "Take a closer look" you will turn Gale into an Arch Rox and if you choose "Ignore" you'll turn Gale into a Dred Rox. The Arch Rox evolution is better suited for magical attacks and the Dred Rox is better suited for melee damage. It's up to you which version you'd like Gale to transform into.

Gale Evolution
Gale digivolves into a Warturtle

I personally chose the Dred Rox since I like using the auto attack feature and letting my demons handle everything. Healing is something I leave to my other demons - the magic Rex only had Heal All too and not the normal Heal which I find to be much less useful out of combat.

After evolving Rex continue north through the dungeon and you will find stairs down, continue through the linear path and avoid the time rift you pass since we have limited Time Chains. Or destroy the rift, the choice is yours. The next floor will have some slippery ice, our goal is to go around the outskirts of the ice and slide across in the middle where the platforms are to reach the central path (marked by pillars). A screenshot of what you're looking for is shown below.

Ice Temple Icy Floor Puzzle
Aim for the area between the pillars

Position yourself properly on the platforms available and you can easily slide right into the gap between the pillars. From here it's a linear route through the rest of the dungeon; at the very end you will have a short scene with your friends from school after which you'll step into the Dem Gate to enter Valhalla.

The first thing you'll want to do is travel down the stairs and go east to find a chest with a TimeEdge Map inside of it. Once you've got this item exit this area to the south and step on the teleporter to enter a new area called Time Tower. There will be another scene with your friends here, during which they'll tell you to meet them in Hydraville, a nearby town.

When the scene is over with your friends you'll have free reign to explore the entire area. There won't be any random encounters here so don't worry about anything - just grab all the chests and talk with all of the NPCs you want to. This place acts as a sort of town, if you need to heal or resurrect demons you'll return here.

Exit out of the southern end of the Time Tower and you'll find yourself in a new area called Fanda Plains. Before going anywhere you'll want to go a tad bit northwest of the exit and over to the small tower (pictured below). Interact with this tower and you will summon a demon who tells you to give him a password and he'll join you. The correct answer to this password is Megami. Answering correctly will get a very powerful demon named Pandora to join your party.

Megami Demon
Tell the demon in Fanda Plains Megami to make him join you

After getting Pandora to join you travel to the west and then north to find the town of Hermit which is the next real town. Hermit has a shop and all of the things a normal town has. I recommend you visit the shop and purchase the Valhalla Map so we can see the area around us. Once you've got that you can explore the town as you see fit, when you want to advance the story enter the building on the eastern side of town that isn't marked and watch the scene between Guy and Judy.

When the scene is over exit out of the northern end of Hermit to find yourself in a new area called Duvegs Trial. There are a bunch of chests for you to find in this area, there will also be NPCs you may run into that block you from going over to new maps in the east and west. Grab whatever treasures you want and continue west one map then north once to Hydraville.


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