Progression Server Jewelcrafting Guide (Classic)
Jewelcrafting is probably the most expensive Tradeskill to raise in early EQ. At first it will be quite easy, yeah but as you skill it up it will become more and more costly. Past 200 you may be paying up to 500pp per combine... And if you're any familiar with Tradeskills in EQ sometimes it takes 15 - 30 combines to skill up... Now imagine how much that will cost you. Jewelcrafting is mostly done by Enchanters, since they get spells to enchant the bars used in Jewelcrafting for some of the higher recipes. If you're not an Enchanter, than of course you will need to find an Enchanter to enchant the bars for you.
The upside to Jewelcrafting is at this current point in time (Classic EQ), Jewelcrafting supplies mostly all classes with the best face slot, Earrings and Rings (occasionally neck). The items they can make for the wrist slot are pretty decent too. If you're looking to take on the daunting task of raising your Jewelcrafting skill then you will want to start off by visiting your Guildmaster and using your practices for the first 21 points.
Jewelcrafting 1 - 21
Speak with your Guildmaster
(Direct Route)
(Alternative *Cheaper* Route)
(Alternative Route)
(Direct Route)
(Alternative Route)
(Direct Route)
(Alternative Route)
(Direct Route)
(Direct Route)
(Direct Route)
(Alternative Route)
Once you have all of the required items combine them together in a Jeweler's Kit or Collapsible Jeweler's Kit. Gem Studded Chain is used in crafting the Ceremonial Solstice Robe which is part of the Earring of Solstice Luclin quest.
(Direct Route)
(Direct Route)
(Direct Route) Black Sapphire Platinum Items
(Direct Route) Diamond Items
(Direct Route) Blue Diamond Items
After you finish the vendor route for Jewelcrafting your only option will be to start crafting jewelry with dropped items. Black Sapphires will probably be the cheapest and best money makers. You can do Black Sapphire Platinum Necklaces or Earrings. In early EQ this is some of the best Jewelry a player can get so your skills will definitely be in demand.
Blue Diamonds and Diamonds craft mostly resist gear. In Classic EQ if they keep Mitigation of the Mighty in the game forever, Resist gear will probably always be in much higher demand than it ever was before. Especially if you play on a server that allows boxing. Boxers usually stack resists in the early days on all their characters.
Black Sapphire Platinum Necks can take you to 285
Platinum Blue Diamond Tiara to 295