Enchanter Thurgadin Armor (Velious Group Armor)
For the Enchanter Thurgadin Armor you'll need to collect Torn Enchanted Silk from Kael Drakkel, 3 gems from random velious enemies and bring it all to Lorekeeper Brita in Thurgadin. Lorekeeper Brita is found in the western most portion of Thurgadin inside of a building.
If you need further directions for reaching him I recommend using my map below. It has the location of every Thurgadin Class Quest NPC marked on it.
Also don't forget that these quests can be MQ (Multi Quested) as well! What I mean by that is, if your friend has one of the unmade pieces of armor he can turn that item into the NPC then you turn in just the gems and you'll get the completed reward.
This works differently depending on the server you play on. Those on the official Daybreak servers will have to be the same class as the person who is helping you MQ the armor. On the EQ emulator P99 any class can help you complete the multiquest.
Below this paragraph you'll find a list of all the different pieces of armor you can receive through these turn ins and the items required to obtain them. As aforementioned on the index page you'll need at least Kindly faction with the Coldain to complete any of these turn ins. If you need additional help raising your faction I'd recommend you complete the Giant Warrior Helmets quest.
Beguiler's Robe
Beguiler's Slippers
Beguiler's Bracers
Beguiler's Gloves
Beguiler's Trousers
Beguiler's Crown
Beguiler's Sleeves