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Gorowynning - RoS Collectibles Achievement


For this achievement you need to collect four sets of collectibles from Gorowyn. Two sets of collectibles appear throughout the zone as ground spawns and the other two sets drop from enemies throughout the zone. From what I have seen, almost all of the sarnak enemies drop the two collectible sets that come from enemies and the two that are ground spawns share spawns throughout the whole zone.

In my opinion Gorowyn has four of the easiest collectible sets in Ring of Scale. Since both of the collectible sets are shared by all of the ground spawns - it'll definitely take awhile for you to find all that you need but you'll very quickly find the majority. The two collectible sets that drop in this zone, just pick a camp in my Gorowyn Leveling Guide and spend some time there - you'll find them all in a couple of hours.


Krellnakor Badges (Gorowyn)

Krellnakor Badges and Wulthan Ceremonies

These drop from the sarnak enemies throughout Gorowyn. They're less common than the Wulthan Ceremonies collections set but they drop from the same enemies. If you're looking for good places within Gorowyn to farm for this collectible set I would recommend checking out my Gorowyn Leveling Guide.

- Seeker's Badge
- Beastmaster's Badge
- Slayer's Badge
- Terror's Badge
- Hunter's Badge
- Enforcer's Badge
- Patroller's Badge
- Master's Badge

Arcron Artifacts (Gorowyn)

Arcron Artifacts and Fereth Authority Locations

This set of collectibles appears as ground spawns throughout Gorowyn.

- Cracked Mystical Mirror
- Glowing Blue Stone Fragment
- Shattered Vial
- Fractured Crucible
- Mangled Tongs
- Crushed Funnel
- Defective Burner
- Ruptured Flask

Wulthan Ceremonies (Gorowyn)

Krellnakor Badges and Wulthan Ceremonies

These drop from the sarnak enemies throughout Gorowyn. This set drops from the same enemies as the Krellnakor Badges and is significantly more common. If you're looking for good places within Gorowyn to farm for this collectible set I would recommend checking out my Gorowyn Leveling Guide.

- Votive Candle
- Kneeling Pad
- Medallion of the Dragon
- Golden Censer
- Vestment of the Dragon
- Blood Chalice
- Candelabra
- Writ of the Scale

Fereth Authority (Gorowyn)

Arcron Artifacts and Fereth Authority Locations

This set of collectibles appears as ground spawns throughout Gorowyn.

- Rules of the Forge
- Forge Iron
- Rune-etched Lavastone
- Fireproof Vest
- Forge-stamped Ingot
- Kre's Rules of Rulership
- Tablet of Scales
- Forgemasters Badge