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Vashj'ir Mining/Herbalism Farming

This is probably the most important part of making 10k an hour with my guide. Having both Tradeskills will maximize your profits but if I had to pick just one it would probably be Mining. Mining will open you up to the most markets since not only will you have Obsidium Bars to sell you will also have six different types of gems to sell as well as Volatile Earth. Granted Volatile Earth doesn't sell for that much, it is bonus money and who can complain about that! As a Herbalist you will find Azshara's Veil, Stormvine and Volatile Life here.

Since Mining will reward you with more goodies it is a more important tradeskill for here then Herbalism is. As I have said many many times over and over again the more items you can put up on the Auction House all at once the better your hourly profits will be. Now a few of the green gems are pretty worthless and I usually just vendor, it really depends on your server. But for the sake of arguement here is a list of all the gems and other goodies you will be finding here and a little bit about them.

Obsidium Ore - 30 - 45g a stack (70 - 90g for a stack of bars)

Volatile Earth - Sells but for a craptastic amount (Usually like 3g each)

Alicite - I vendor there. On my server Alicite goes for actually less than 5g

Carnelian - Sells equally as well as Nightstone usually

Zephyrite - Sometimes sells, sometimes it is vendor trash

Hessonite - One of the better selling gems since it is used in skilling up Jewelcrafting

Jasper - Only sells well when Jagged Jaspers are the Jewelcrafting daily

Nightstone - Sells well on its own and then even better when the Jewelcrafting daily calls for them

For each of the gems below listen to what it says next to the gem or follow the link to view my page where I say which cuts are the best.

Dream Emerald - I vendor these

Amberjewel - Try selling in AH once if they are above 6g or vendor if they don't sell

Demonseye - Sell raw in the AH

Ember Topaz - Sell raw in the AH

Inferno Ruby - Can cut into a lot of different things to maximize profit

Ocean Sapphire - Sell raw or cut to sell it, this is a tricky gem

Now if all you have is Mining that is all you will find while farming here. However, if you have Herbalism on the same character it will open you up to an entire new world of items. Now you may think, it's only three items! Well, yeah you're right, let's take a look at those three items first and then I will go into further explanation as to why they are so good and how you can make those three items into a dozen different markets.

Azshara's Veil

Stormvine - Sells for anywhere between 20 - 30g a stack depending on what mood the market is in

Volatile Life - Sells for 5 to 6g each

Now that is all you will gather here through Herbalism. It isn't a lot but those three items have a chance to magnify your profits exponentially. Volatile Life sells like hotcakes since it is used in so much and if it doesn't sell you can Transmute it into a different element of Volatile using the Living Elements transmutation which you can read more about here. Azshara's Veil and Stormvine can be sold straight up as both their natural herbs or made into potions and sold that way or milled with Inscription and sold as Blackfallow Ink/Inferno Ink. To learn more about what you can do with each of the two herbs follow their links below.




Vashj'ir Proof of Lots O' Money

This is probably the section most of the "Nuh uh" people are going to jump right down to, completely ignoring the above portion of the guide. So, I will quickly explain how I will setup this section to make it easier for the people who don't believe me to understand. It will be broken down into a few different sections, all with pictures and video so everyone will perfectly understand the guide. To start off I will list 5 runs through Vashj'ir with my character that has Mining/Herbalism. I'll show my chat window for these 5 runs instead of taking an individual picture of each of the things I get.

Also for this specific part I am not giving video proof because that will come later in a breakdown of Vashj'ir. For now, this is just picture proof of what I get and an average sale price of each of the items on my server. So, to start, let's take a look at my very first run.

14 Stormvine - 16g

7 Volatile Life - 35g

12 Obsidium Ore - 24g

2 Volatile Earth - 6g

7 Cinderbloom - 12g

Total From That Run - 93g

This is a completely average run through Hyjal and takes right around 2min to do each time you log on. Close to 100g in two minutes plus opening yourself up to 5 new markets = win. Now, let's take a look at my second run through Hyjal roughly 10 minutes later.

8 Cinderbloom - 12g

11 Volatile Life - 55g

5 Obsidium Ore - 10g

13 Stormvine - 14g

Total From That Run - 91g

Even though the total is slightly lower then the first run, believe it or not this was a pretty crappy run. Usually I see much more Ore then that and I don't have to depend heavily on Volatile Life to up my hourly totals. However, the amount of Volatile Life I got was slightly above average which did make for a fairly profitable 2 minutes.

16 Obsidium Ore - 32g

9 Cinderbloom - 13g

11 Volatile Life - 55g

13 Stormvine - 14g

Total From That Run - 114g

As you can probably tell by the amount this was a slightly above average run. I found quite a few mines while farming this time around and a decent amount of Volatile Life, which are the two big money makers when farming here. Besides that the Stormvine and Cinderbloom are about average amounts.

13 Obsidium Ore - 26g

10 Cinderbloom - 12g

8 Volatile Life - 40g

11 Stormvine - 12g

Total From That Run - 90g

This was probably the most average run all around that you can get. It wasn't very heavy on any of the materials you will be farming and still net a good profit.

15 Stormvine - 16g

24 Obsidium Ore - 48g

11 Cinderbloom - 13g

2 Volatile Life - 10g

2 Volatile Earth - 6g

Total From That Run - 93g

This was a ore heavy run as well as a Stormvine heavy run. I didn't get many Volatiles throughout the run though which was the reason the profit was so low even though I got a lot of ore and herbs. This isn't a bad thing though, even though the profit was lower this way I can reach more markets.



Hyjal Ore Math Page