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Chardok Farming Guide

Chardok is a zone right off of Burning Woods that was introduced during the Kunark Era. This zone is a great farming location for solid cash, Not much drops here that you can sell in the Bazaar. The mobs here don't hit very hard and have a large agro radius, which makes them perfect AoE candidates.

You'll run into some nammeds while you're in Chardok. Almost none of their stuff will sell in the Bazaar, but it will sell to vendors! The nammeds you'll generally encounter are;

The Bridge Keeper
Observer Aq'touz
Arch Inspector Nibi'zi
Grave Master Zo'lun
Councilman Garkerok III
Councilman Ysabrial III

The path I usually use in Chardok is kill my way from the entrance the library near Overking Bathezid, then back to the entrance. Rinse and repeat.

Average Plat Per Kill: 4-6pp

Items of Interest

Valuable Gems

Defiant GearDefiant Gear

Complex Embossed RuneComplex Embossed Rune

Words ofWords of (Destroy if low on space)

Rune ofRune of (Destroy if low on space)

Sunshard Pebble

Fire Opal

Cultural SilkCultural Silk

Cultural MarrowCultural Marrow

Cultural OreCultural Ore

Cultural PeltsCultural Pelts

Cultural Spinneret FluidCultural Spinneret Fluid

Cultural LoamCultural Loam