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The Source of the Monsters - Act 1 Story Quest

The Great Oracle in Delphi

The Source of the Monsters is the fourth main quest in Act 1 of Titan Quest. You will receive this quest immediately after you complete The Words of the Oracle by speaking with the same NPC (pictured above). For the first part of this quest you will need to travel southeast out of Delphi and through the Parnassus Caves.

Side Quests In Area:

The Grieving Widow (Parnassus Caves)

On the other side of the Parnassus Caves you'll come across the Parnassus Hinterlands which is also where you will find the Parnassus Portal. Grab this and continue east to find the Lower War-Camp. You will get a quest update in this location but it is just a Journal entry. East of the Lower War-Camp you'll find the Upper War-Camp.

At the entrance to the Upper War-Camp you'll find a man by the name of Hylas. He crawls out from under some rubble when you defeat the enemies nearby. Speaking with him will give you another journal update -- again it isn't required to complete the quest. Our destination is the Defiled Caverns in the northeastern portion of the Upper War-Camp (pictured below).

Pythian Caves Map Location

Gorgon Queens Boss Fight

Depending on your current gear and build the Gorgon Queens will either be a piece of cake or really tough. These bosses are some of the most commonly farmed in the game due to the fact that they drop the Stonebinder's Cuffs Monster Infrequent. For more information about this area as a farming location check out my Act 1 Gorgon Queens Farming Guide.

As for a strategy for defeating these enemies, let's start by looking at each Gorgon individually and the attacks that they will use.

Medusa: Primarily uses fire damage and can petrify you for a few seconds

Euryale: Uses primarily cold damage and can heal herself and allies

Sstheno: Poison damage spear and has a charge attack to easily close the distance between you and her

Recommended Resists: Poison, Fire, Cold, Pierce

Typically it's recommended that you take out Euryale first since she can heal with Sstheno being second since you can separate her from her sisters easily. However, it's also a good strategy to take out Sstheno first since you can kite her away from her sisters quite easily by using the pits in the room.

Once all 3 are dead one of the people who was turned to stone in the room will return to normal. Speak with Feiyan to complete this quest and begin the followup, The Battle for Athens. Feiyan will open the nearby door for you too which allows you to pass and continue with the game.