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Aralbad Spa Resort - Syberia Walkthrough

Aralbad Spa Resort Closet

Not too long after arriving at the Aralbad Spa Resort you'll get a call from your boss Mr. Marson who is quite upset that this is taking forever. Who can blame him at this point honestly, Kate is wasting tons of time doing pointless things. Enter the Aralbad Spa Resort and you'll immediately be put into dialogue with the guy behind the counter, Felix Smetana. Choose the dialogue options 'Mission' and 'Help', neither will net you any results though.

What we'll have to do is distract Felix so that we can take a look at the hotel registry to get the information we need. In order to do this what you'll have to do is investigate the closet in the entry room and grab the Detergent from inside. Return to the courtyard and use the Detergent on the fountain here to block it and create a mess.

Go back inside of the spa resort and open up the curtains by interacting with them. Then ring the bell to get Felix's attention, he'll see the mess at the fountain and run outside to fix it. Now you can circle around to the back of the counter and look at the hotel registry.

Hotel Registry at Aralbad Spa

Inspect the hotel registry on the desk and take note of the code next to Helena's name, 1270. This is the only info we need from the hotel registry. Next, grab the Hotel Pamphlet in the top right of the screen which is sitting ontop of a stack of papers. Inside the pamphlet you'll find a number, 46433643 which is a phone number we'll have to call in a little bit.

Last but not least you should press the big red button which will open up the next portion of the hotel for you to explore. The first thing you'll need to do in this portion of the hotel is find the Crystal Dish which is on the opposite side of the pool in a long hallway (pictured below).

Aralbad Spa Crystal Dish Location
Location of the Crystal Dish you need at Aralbad Spa

Once you've obtained the Crystal Dish the next thing you'll want to do is find James the automaton; talking to him is not required but he is a good landmark. Go down 1 screen from James and you'll find a locked door with a computer panel right next to it (pictured below). You'll want to enter Helena's code that we got from the hotel registry, 1270, into the terminal to open the locker room door on the other side of the pool.

Inside the locker room you'll find a Temporary Code on the ground. The numbers on the Temporary Code card are 0968 which is the actual combination you'll need to get through this door. Return to the door and input these 4 digits to open it and proceed.

Aralbad Spa Computer Panel

Before you go outside grab the Gas Mask on the wall to your right. Our destination is the end of the pier where we'll find Helena Romanski. Talk to her a bit then she'll ask you to call her automaton James over to help her. Exit the platform she is on and Felix will come out to yell at you... admittedly we deserve it for everything we did to get in here.

Helena asks you to ring the nearby bell to get James' attention. You can find the bell a little bit south of her gazebo but if you ring it nothing will happen. What you need to do is pick up James' Bell and carry it down the pier to the screen with the door that leads inside. Here you can hang James' Bell up and ring it again, James still won't come out but you can go in and talk to him now.

Bell Location near Helena RomanskiBell Second Spot

Talk to James inside and he'll go out to get Helena. While you're waiting for him your mother will call. Ask Helena about 'Mission' and 'Hans' to learn what you need. The Hotel Brochure that we picked up earlier in this level had a phone number inside of it, 46433643 you'll want to call this number using your phone and get the recipe for The Blue Helena.

In order to make The Blue Helena the first thing you'll want to do is search the bar compartment opposite of Helena for the Lemon and Crystallized Honey. If you're having trouble finding this compartment I have included a screen shot of exactly what you're looking for below.

Also, this area is going to be the most challenging puzzle in the game which I will refer to as the bar puzzle.

Syberia Bar Puzzle

You'll need to soften the honey before we can use it so head over to the opposite side of the pool where you'll find a spa. Use the crank next to the spa to turn it on then place the Crystallized Honey into it to warm it up. Your Crystallized Honey is now Liquid Honey which we can use in the recipe.

Return to the bar and this time interact with the area marked Bar Puzzle on my screen shot above. It kind of looks like a piano just with a bunch of bottles connected overtop of it. You'll want to put the Liquid Honey into the right-most empty slot and the Vodka bottle right next to the honey. The Lemon will go into the empty slot in the top left. A screen shot of everything's locations can be found below. Now the puzzle is all setup for us to use.

Before we start there is one more thing you can grab if you haven't yet. On top of the metal part of this puzzle you'll see a Musical Score. It's a rolled up piece of paper a little bit to the right of where we inserted the Lemon at; you can see it in my screen shot below as I didn't yet grab it when I took the picture.

Syberia Bar Puzzle 2

As you can see in the screen shot above this machine has 6 different buttons each with a different symbol on them. There are also 7 piano keys right below each of these symbols. In addition to all of that there is also a joystick/lever to the right of the piano keys.

The only part of this that I need to really explain to you is when that joystick is pointing straight up, like it is in my screen shots above and below, it's on Bass. When you click it once and it tilts to the right it's on Treble. If you keep this in mind the puzzle should be easier to understand.

Here is the step by step order you should follow to make The Blue Helena drink:

Step #0: Turn the machine on using the I/O button on the left

Step #1: Set the joystick to Bass (sticking straight up) and then press the key that's second from the left - reference my screen shot below for the exact key

Step #2: Set the joystick to Treble (sticking to the right) and then press the key that's third from the left - reference my screen shot below for the exact key

Step #3: Press the Honey, Lemon and Ice buttons

Step #4: Press the Shake/Deliver button on the right

Still confused and would prefer a video explaining this puzzle to you instead? Check out my Syberia Bar Puzzle in Aralbad Solution Youtube Video.

Syberia Bar Puzzle Solution
Bar Puzzle Solution

On the screen shot above the piano key marked #1 is the first one that you'll be pressing, the key marked #2 is the second one you'll be pressing. If you're successful in making the drink Helena will drink from the glass and attempt to sing. She will not be happy with her attempt and give up. Place the Crystal Dish that you picked up earlier onto the counter top and interact with Helena again to have her sing a second time.

This time she'll shatter the Crystal Dish and regain her confidence as well as her voice. Return to the airship and board it, you'll get a call from Olivia after which Helena will arrive at the airship and you'll fly back to Komkolzgrad together. Taking an old lady that can't walk to her obsessive fan's den (who has a shrine of her) -- who has proven to be an untrustworthy person already by stealing Oscar's hands... what could possibly go wrong?

Use the Metal Sheers to free Helena
Use the Metal Sheers to free Helena

After Helena's performance use the Metal Sheers you have in your inventroy to break her out of the cage. Inside the cage use the Screwdriver on the automaton's hands to get back Oscar's Hands and then go meet Helena one screen to the south. You'll get separated from her and will have to take the long route through the mines back to the train.

When you reach the elevator at the other end of the mine shaft it'll blow up but thankfully it'll reveal a ventilation shaft that we can crawl through. I won't go into too much detail explaining all of this since it's pretty linear at this point. When you arrive back at the train you'll need to talk with Oscar before you depart. He is at the front of the train, a screen shot of his exact location is shown below.

Oscar at the front of the train
Oscar at the front of the train

After talking with Oscar board the train and enter the cabin. You'll get a call from Dan at this time after which you'll want to return to Oscar and talk to him outside. The reason the train isn't moving yet is because our obsessive stalker friend moved the giant automaton and put iron bars in the way. So, like any reasonable person would, we're going to grab some Dynamite by the entrance of the mine and blow up the automaton.

You can find the Dynamite inside of a crate by the mine entrance, a screen shot is shown below.

Location of Dynamite at entrance of mine
Location of Dynamite at entrance of mine

When the scene is over you will find yourself back in Aralbad. Head south to the bottom of the train platform and you'll find Oscar along with the crank and lever needed to wind up our train. Use the crank and lever to wind up the train then talk with Oscar. Use the 'Mission' dialogue option to advance the story forward.

Felix will come out after your conversation with Oscar and tell you that a gift is waiting for you at reception. Head inside and search the box next to the TV to find a mechanical mammoth toy; be sure to pick it up while you're here. You'll get a phone call from your boss Mr. Marson after picking up the toy.

Aralbad Train Winder and Oscar
Aralbad Train Winder & Oscar

The phone will ring after this and Felix will answer it and send you over to talk with Helena whose in the same spot by the bar she always is. Speak with her here and she'll send you outside to speak with Hans Voralberg whose sitting on a bench just outside the Aralbad Spa area.

You will have a long conversation with Hans Voralberg after which will be the game's final scene and the end.

End of Syberia 1



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