Jedi Consular Companion - Lieutenant Iresso
The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. His file shows participation in several notable battles, including the so-called Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion where Republic forces repelled an Imperial invasion force with minimal reinforcements. Since then, Lieutenant Iresso has earned excellent technical scores and commendations for exemplary service.
However, his file also contains some discrepancies. Lieutenant Iresso has one of the highest transfer rates in the Republic military, serving under almost a dozen commanders across the galaxy in two years. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given.
Guide To Understanding Companions in Swtor
Likes: Republic military, leadership, danger for the greater good, honor and mercy
Dislikes: Breaking the law, cruelty
Primary Stat: Aim
Secondary Stat: Endurance
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
Voice Over Actor - Dion Graham
Gifts That Lieutenant Iresso Likes