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>> A New Chapter Begins <<

I am posting this update to let you all know that it will be a few more months before another one like this. This year I got married, purchased a house and am going to be moving across the country in 3 days. As you could imagine, there is a lot of stuff I have to do in my life that will put most website work on hold. If you email me or try to contact me in Discord, keep this in mind too.

The last thing I will say is keep an eye on my Youtube for new stuff from me. That will be where I upload the next things, I got a few Dark Cloud 2 videos I keep forgetting to upload and I have been playing Asheron's Call recently which is probably going to be the next thing to get a big update from me. After playing Dark Cloud 2 I have an urge to do a Walkthrough for that game too, I also played Sacred recently (the first one) and I enjoyed that a lot too. So those are the potential options for the next guides I write.

>> Hello World <<

After a long time of having my website without a blog on the front page, I decided to bring it back! The truth is I needed to remove the RSS feed because Google Page Speed Insights penalizes you for them heavily. In order to rank highly in Google you must perform well in those metrics and the RSS feed was not performing well. So it got the cut. Text is a lot different, big daddy Google isn't upset by any of that.

I have other big changes on the horizon, as you may have caught on. A lot has changed with my website in the last few years, we got the best facelift we've ever got and I have been as active as ever on both Youtube and on my website. One game I am working on that's coming up is Quake! Stay tuned for more info!

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