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- I suggest you pick up Skinning and Mining as your tradeskills.

- I highly reccomend you make another character for selling the items you get on the auction house, it helps not having to go back to Org frequently.

- Execute the law of common sense, get named's in single pulls if they're hard pot if you need to, buy food and drink even if i dont mention to, use bandages etc etc.

- Adapt! If you cant kill a named mob come back later when you're near that area for something else

- If i tell you to kill 8 dogs at (9) then 8 cats at (10) Kill the 8 dogs while working your way to the cats.

- Bind your skills! Very important and it will make executing them quickly much easier.

- Don't do instances, it will only slow you down

- Avoid the opposite faction if at all possible if you're on a pvp server, it will reduce your deaths and reduce the aggravation of people calling in help and corpse camping you.

- If you're leveling an alt feel free to tweak him out! I recommend swiftness potions, healing potions, Elixirs and Gear.

- You may be a little above my guide in level, dont worry! I made sure my character had MINIMAL Rested XP while writing it on purpose!

- If you're waiting on your specific mob to spawn, dont just stand there, kill stuff while you're waiting for him to spawn.

- If you're speed running, use your flightpath time to take notes on what you have to do next.
Writing quests down will help you remember them.