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Merger & Information

Undeads & Blood Elves get off the Zeppelins and run into Orgrimmar and grab the flightpath, at the top of the tower near the bank and auction house. Then merge into the Crossroads.

Taurens run to Orgrimmar for the flightpath at your earliest convience.

Once you're at the crossroads proceed to Crossroads in the guide.

It's very important that you constantly check the Auction House for the items im listing, they will allow you to do turn ins along the way for quick and easy xp. If they're not on the Auction House and you have a main character feel free to farm them as well.

Shredder Operating Manual Pages
Deadly Blunderbuss
Green Hills of Stranglethorn Pages
1 Frost Oil
1 Gyrochronatum
1 Healing Potion
1 Lesser Invisibility Potion
1 Patterened Bronze Bracer
9 Blue Pearls
1 Mithril Casing
30 Crypt Fiend Parts
30 Dark Iron Scraps
30 Savage Frond
30 Bone Fragments
30 Core of Elements
10 Turtle Meat
15 Stacks of Wool Cloth
15 Stacks of Silk Cloth
15 Stacks of Mageweave
15 Stacks of Runecloth
10 Long Elegant Feathers
6 Scorpok Pincers
5 Snickerfang Jowls
11 Basilisk Brains
14 Vulture Gizzards