Almar's World of Warcraft Leveling Guides
These leveling guides are only relevant for WoW Classic - Cataclysm servers; once Cataclysm comes out it revamps the entire old world and makes these guides irrelevant. I know that many of these leveling guides look dated, they were some of the first guides that I ever wrote...
However they contain arguably the best leveling route possible for Classic, Outlands and WoTLK. I had a better /played time than many of the people who were selling Leveling Guides during this time. As you can see from the screenshot below my leveling time 1 - 60 was -- 2 days 5 hours. I didn't do it on a "new" server so I never got the same fame that people like Joana did ..... But my route's the fastest so, I got that going for me which is nice.
CrossRoads in Barrens (10 - 15)
Hillsbrad Foothills/Tarren Mill (29-30)