Naxxramas 25 Man Plague Quarter Walkthrough (WoTLK Era)
The Plague Quarter has a total of three bosses, Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean and Loatheb. Typically this wing is done second and the only truly challenging boss is usually Heigan the Unclean since not always does everyone manage to pay attention properly.
If this isn't the quarter you want a walkthrough for and you've made a wrong return; follow the link provided to return to my Naxxramas 25man Walkthrough Index Page. Disclaimer: Keep in mind that the guide you're reading was written during 2010 when WoTLK was the current expansion.
The links to some of the Wowhead resources may be out of date as will some of the video strategies. With that said, I can guarantee that this guide was accurate during the time it was written, abilities were copied from WoWhead and the entire guide was heavily researched as it was written. The information on this page is preserved as it was back during that era.
Noth the Plaguebringer: Noth is the first boss in the Plague Quarter and well known for being free loot. The most important thing you have to do for this boss fight is dispell the Curse of the Plaguebringer that he puts on your group. If you don't dispell it, it will spread to your raid killing everyone in it.
Aside from the curse Noth will summon Plagued Warriors periodically to attack the raid. On Heroic difficulty he will also use Blink, which will port him forward and clear all threat. Give the tank a second to Taunt him then begin DPS again. After 110 seconds Phase two will begin, Noth will teleport up to a balcony and summon adds from the piles of bones around the room. After a few waves of these adds Noth will come back down to the raid and phase one will restart.
Video Strategy for Noth the Plaguebringer
My Advice: This curse is the most important thing to focus on during this encounter. If it is not removed it will quickly spread to everyone in the raid and instantly kill them. Have Druids and Mages decurse this immediately.
My Advice: Dispell it otherwise your DPS is going to go to crap.
My Advice: Noth will do this every 20-30 seconds clearing all agro from everyone in the raid. When he arrives at the end of the blink he will also Cripple everyone around him. Make sure the tank gets to Noth and taunts him before you start DPS again.
Noth The Plaguebringer Loot Table:
Tunic of Masked Suffering
Belt of Potent Chanting
Gloves of the Fallen Wizard
Bands of Impurity
Libram of Radiance
Shoulderguards of Opportunity
Poignant Sabatons
Robes of Mutation
Legguards of the Undisturbed
Accursed Spine
Angry Dead
Crippled Treads
Thrusting Bands
Gauntlets of the Disobedient
Spinning Fate
Fool's Trail
Strong-Handed Ring
Chains of Adoration
Lost Jewel
Sand-Worn Band
Thunderstorm Amulet
Seized Beauty
Heigan the Unclean: Heigan is the second boss in the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas. Heigan is best known for his unique encounter which requires you to do the "Heigan Dance". It's similar to the Hoola Dance, the main difference being the Heigan Dance has acid that shoots up through the ground and kills you if you do it wrong. Heigan has two phases, one which you will be "Dancing" the other you will be "Busting A Move". The first phase you have 8-9 seconds between each eruption, during phase 2 you will have 2-3 seconds.
Phase 1 the casters will be standing where you pull Heigan from and pumping out as much damage as possible, the tank and melee will be doing the "Heigan Dance". During phase 2 Heigan will port up to where you pulled him from and quicken the dance. Casters must move off the platform and do the dance with the melee.
The floor is separated into 4 sections, 1, 2, 3 and 4. You start the fight at 1 then you move to 2, 3 and 4. Once you get to 4 you move backwards to 3, 2 and then 1. This fight is some what complicated if you've never done it before. Below is a picture to show you the encounter better.
Video Strategy of Heigan the Unclean
(Obviously credit for the picture goes to Raid Strats, as it says in the top right corner)
My Advice: Unavoidable, really just have to suck it up and dps through it.
My Advice: Dispell this as soon as you see it on someone. If you can manage this then it will not become a problem.
My Advice: This is what the actual spell that creates the "Heigan Dance" is called. More information about it is above, you have to avoid this to survive.
My Advice: This ability only happens during phase 2 and will only effect players that try to stand on Heigans platform. To not get yourself killed avoid his platform at all costs.
Heigan The Unclean Loot Table:
Eruption-Scarred Boots
Helm of Pilgrimage
Cryptfiend's Blade
Serene Echoes
Sigil of Awareness
Iron-Spring Jumpers
The Undeath Carrier
Gloves of the Dancing Bear
Bindings of the Decrepit
Legguards of the Apostle
Chestguard of Bitter Charms
Stalk-Skin Belt
Leggings of Colossal Strides
Forethought Talisman
Grim Toll
Aged Winter Cloak
Shawl of the Old Maid
Dying Curse
Shroud of Luminosity
Defender's Code
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun
Loatheb: Loatheb is the final boss in Naxxramas's Plague Quarter. His special mechanic is Necrotic Aura which allows you to heal for 3 seconds every 20 seconds. Loatheb will also summon spores once every 30 seconds. When the spore is destroyed it will buff everyone around it with Fungal Creep, increasing their critical strike chance by 50% and causing them to generate 0 threat. This buff is very important for DPS classes to get and very important tanks do not get it.
The only other real threat during Loatheb is his "Fake" enrage timer. After 7 minutes he uses Inevitable Doom every 15 seconds, things can get hairy but with the right group it will still be an easy encounter. That's really all you need to know about the encounter, read below for more information on each of the spells he casts.
My Advice: The best thing for you to do is start to channel the heal when there is about 1 second left on the aura. This will allow you to get your heal off and possible another one before the aura is re applied.
My Advice: Dispell it, even if you forget to dispell it, it still isn't much of a threat. It will become a threat if the timer goes past 7 minutes, and Loatheb goes enraged. At that point you need to put on your A game.
My Advice: Unavoidable damage, Shadow Resistance can lower how much you take, you can Ice Block it and Bubble it. A good trick I use on my Paladin is to use Hand of Sacrifice on someone who is about to get blown up by the curse, then bubble. This will reduce damage two people take.
Loatheb Loot Table:
Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher
Mantle of the Lost Protector
Mantle of the Lost Conqueror
Vest of Vitality
The Impossible Dream
Fading Glow
Girdle of Unity
Footwraps of Vile Deceit
Cowl of Innocent Delight
Greaves of Turbulence
The Hand of Nerub
Grotesque Handgrips
Boots of Impetuous Ideals
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