Naxxramas 10 Man Military Quarter Walkthrough (WoTLK Era)
The Military Quarter in Naxxramas has a total of three bosses, Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvestor and The Four Horseman. Most raids that I have been a part of tackle this wing last since the final boss, The Four Horseman can pose a real challenge to an unprepared raid.
If this isn't the quarter you want a walkthrough for and you've made a wrong return; follow the link provided to return to my Naxxramas 10man Walkthrough Index Page. Disclaimer: Keep in mind that the guide you're reading was written during 2010 when WoTLK was the current expansion.
The links to some of the Wowhead resources may be out of date as will some of the video strategies. With that said, I can guarantee that this guide was accurate during the time it was written, abilities were copied from WoWhead and the entire guide was heavily researched as it was written. The information on this page is preserved as it was back during that era.
Instructor Razuvious: Instructor Razuvious is the first boss in the Military Quarter. This fight requires two non retarded people to control the adds to tank Razuvious. The fight should start by someone using the orb to take control of the first Understudy. The tanks will need to form a good rotation of taunts to keep Bone Shield up on their tanks. Every 19 seconds one tank will need to taunt and pop Bone Shield to allow the other tanks Bone Shield to cooldown.
When the second tanks taunts Razuvious off the first one, the first tank should dismiss his pet and use the orb to regain control of him. This will make it so the Mind Control wont break in the middle of you tanking Razuvious. Rinse and repeat this to kill him.
Additional Note: You'll want healers to be focusing on healing the Death knight Understudies as they tank Razuvious.
Video Strategy for Instructor Razuvious
Death knight Understudy:
My Advice: Spam this ability.
My Advice: Only use this ability right when you engage Razuvious and to pull Razuvious off the other tank when his Bone Shield runs out.
My Advice: This is the bread and butter of this fight. You need to make sure the person that is tanking Razuvious has it up at all times.
My Advice: It also increases the damage you deal to them by 5000%, You're gonna be seeing some really big numbers. This debuff triggers after Razuvious dies.
Instructor Razuvious:
My Advice: Nothing to worry about, just heal the tanks.
My Advice: He will hit a random person in his Line of Site with this ability, when someone is hit with it top him off and throw a few HoT's on him.
My Advice: Heal.
Instructor Razuvious's Loot Table:
Scepter of Murmuring Spirits
Mantle of the Extensive Mind
Iron Rings of Endurance
Cloak of Darkening
Girdle of Lenience
Leggings of the Instructor
Rapid Attack Gloves
Accursed Bow of the Elite
Waistguard of the Tutor
Plated Gloves of Relief
Gothik the Harvester: Gothik the Harvester is the second boss in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas. Gothik's encounter is a DPS race, the raid must start off by splitting into two. Half the raid will go to the Living side and the other half will go to the Undead side. For the first 4 minutes and 30 seconds of the fight Gothik will only spawn adds on the Live side, when you kill an add on the Live side an add will spawn on the Undead side.
This pattern will go on for 4 minutes and 4 seconds, then Gothik will spawn the last wave of adds. 30 seconds after that Gothik will teleport himself to the Undead side, At this time you'll have to pump out as much DPS as possible. Every 10 or so seconds he will switch between the Living and Undead sides. Both groups have to put out as much DPS as possible before he switches sides. Once he reaches 30% the gate separating both groups will open and everyone will be able to fight Gothik.
Video Strategy for Gothik the Harvester
My Advice: Will use this on the person at the top of his threat meter every second. It will deal 2880 to 3520 Shadow damage. This is just normal damage for an encounter, nothing to freak out over.
My Advice: Gothik will start to cast this every 15 seconds at the start of phase 2. If it gets to 9 its practically a wipe.
Gothik the Harvestor Loot Table:
Signet of the Malevolent
Resurgent Phatom Bindings
Spectral Rider's Girdle
Tunic of Discolation
Slayer of the Lifeless
Spirit-World Glass
Sabatons of Deathlike Gloom
Girdle of the Ascended Phantom
Veiled Amulet of Life
Heinos Mail Chestguard
The Four Horsemen: The Four Horsemen are the final boss of the Military Quarter of Naxxramas. The Four Horsemen encounter is very unique, the bosses start out in the middle of the room on a platform. When any of the four horsemen are engaged they will all run to separate corners of the room. There must be a tank there ready to engage them otherwise they will use an ability that will deal massive damage to the raid.
Each of the Four Horseman have a unique strategy that must be followed in order to beat them, below is a list of these strategies.
Thane Korth'azz: Thane and Rivendare are both very similar and very different from each other. These two need to be tanking in the two bottom corners of the room, and switched every 3 stacks. For Thane you will need to have everyone standing on his side to stack up on each other, this will make it so his meteor ability wont instantly kill the tank.
Baron Rivendare: Rivendare is similar to Thane, the main difference being that everyone needs to stand away from the tank, since Baron Rivendare cleaves. Once you reach the 3rd stack of Baron's mark the two tanks will need to switch bosses.
Sir Zeliek: This guy requires you to be a little more coordinated then Baron and Thane. This boss cannot move from the corner he is in and requires that someone is in range of him. If no one is in range he will unleash massive AoE damage to the whole raid. Another person will also be tanking Lady Blaumeux from ranged. Similar to Rivendare and Korth'azz once you get 3 stacks you will need to switch bosses with the other person so the mark doesn't kill you.
Lady Blaumeux: Lady Blaumeux requires a ranged tank as well, similar to Zeliek. Lady Blaumeux will summon a void zone that deals 4250 shadow damage every second you're in it. It is important that you are constantly moving around to avoid these zones. Similar to Zeliek if no one is in range she will unleash massive AoE damage to the whole raid. Once you get 3 stacks of Lady Blaumeux's Mark you will need to switch bosses with the other ranged tank.
Thane or Rivendare will die first, after you've killed one of them all the DPS moves over to the other side and helps kill whom ever is left alive. The tanks will still need to switch even after one of them is dead. This will prevent any tank from being killed by the marks. After the two horsemen that need tanks are dead the raid moves on to Blaumeux and Zeliek.
This fight is one of the most technical boss fights in Naxxramas. With a little bit of practice and everyone in the raid knowing what they're doing you shouldn't have a problem.
Thane Korth'azz:
My Advice: As explained in the strategy for the encounter, when you reach 3 marks switch with the person who is tanking Baron Rivendare.
My Advice: Have everyone stack up on each other to avoid the Meteor killing someone.
Baron Rivendare:
My Advice: As explained in the strategy for the encounter, when you reach 3 marks switch with the person who is tanking Thane Korth'azz.
My Advice: Every 15 seconds Baron Rivendare will use this ability on the tank. Or the person highest on his threat list which should be the tank. Nothing you can do about it, just heal through it and dispell the DoT.
Sir Zeleik:
My Advice: As explained in the strategy for the encounter, when you reach 3 marks switch with the person who is tanking Lady Blaumeux.
My Advice: Primary attack of Sir Zeleik, he will always use it on the person closest to him.
My Advice: Don't stand close to one another.
My Advice: He will use this when no one is within 45 yards of him.
Lady Blaumeux:
My Advice: As explained in the strategy for the encounter, when you reach 3 marks switch with the person who is tanking Sir Zeleik.
My Advice: Primary attack of Lady Blaumeux, she will always use it on the person closest to him.
My Advice: Don't stand in it.
My Advice: He will use this when no one is within 45 yards of her, so make sure someone is always within her range.
Four Horsemen Loot Table:
Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher
Chestguard of the Lost Protector
Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror
Gown of Blaumeux
Charmed Cierge
Claymore of Ancient Power
Pauldrons of Havoc
Thane's Tainted Greathelm