Naxxramas 10 Man Construct Quarter Walkthrough (WoTLK Era)
The Construct Quarter in Naxxramas has a total of four bosses, Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth and Thaddius. Most raids that I have been a part of tackle this wing third, right after finishing the Plague Quarter and just before taking on the hardest of the four wings, the Military Quarter.
If this isn't the quarter you want a walkthrough for and you've made a wrong return; follow the link provided to return to my Naxxramas 10man Walkthrough Index Page. Disclaimer: Keep in mind that the guide you're reading was written during 2010 when WoTLK was the current expansion.
The links to some of the Wowhead resources may be out of date as will some of the video strategies. With that said, I can guarantee that this guide was accurate during the time it was written, abilities were copied from WoWhead and the entire guide was heavily researched as it was written. The information on this page is preserved as it was back during that era.
Patchwerk: Patchwerk is the first boss in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. This is the only boss in the game where your better tank is the off tank. This fight is best known as a gear check, the tanks need to be able to take a beating, the DPS needs to be able to beat the enrage and healers need to well, heal! The off tank will be keeping agro of Patchwerk while the main tank will have to make sure he is secondary on agro, and second highest health in the raid so he eats the Hateful Strikes.
As a Melee class you should notice the in a slime river near where patchwerk walks that you have to continually dip into to reduce your health so you don't get Hateful Striked. The ranged DPS doesn't have to worry about this since Patchwerk only Hateful Strikes people within melee range.
Aside from Hateful Strikes Patchwerk doesn't do anything overly unique.
My Advice: Like stated earlier have the main tank off tank Patchwerk to get hit with all the Hateful's and the Off Tank main tank Patchwerk to take his regular hits. If a melee gets Hateful Striked, chances are he is going to die.
My Advice: Patchwerk will use this at 5%, if any cooldowns are up like Last Stand, or other cooldowns that will increase your DPS pop them to help burn down Patchwerk.
My Advice: After 6 minutes Patchwerk will go enraged if he is not dead. You will be.
My Advice: This is the ability he will use when he goes enraged. It will shoot poison bolts at everyone in the raid causing massive amounts of damage.
Patchwerk Loot Table:
Retcher's Shoulderpads
Drape of Surgery
Blade of Dormant Memories
Contagion Gloves
Sullen Cloth Boots
Abomination Shoulderblades
Tainted Girdle of Mending
Gauntlets of Combined Strength
Grobbulus: Grobbulus is the second boss you will encounter in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. Grobbulus will drop a Fart cloud on the ground once every 15 seconds, to avoid this cloud and all others the tank will be kiting Grobbulus around the room clockwise. Also in addition to the Fart cloud Grobbulus drops, he will also put Mutating Injection on a random person in the raid. After 10 seconds the person will be hit with some damage and drop a fart cloud on the ground where he was standing.
The person who has this debuff needs to run to a isolated part of the room away from the raid and drop the fart cloud somewhere safe. Also Grobbulus will use a ability called Slime Spray. Slime Spray deals damage to anyone 10 yards in front of him, it also will cause a Fallout Slime to spawn, the off tank should hop on the slime asap and the raid should focus on taking it out when it spawns. You should only have one spawn if everyone is doing their job correctly.
Additional Note: At 30% Grobbulus will start to use Mutating Injection a lot more frequently, making it a DPS race from here on out.
My Advice: As long as Grobbulus is being kited properly this won't be to much of a problem. You can't kite him to fast or to slow otherwise you'll end up running into a Fart cloud or you'll be overwhelmed by fart clouds.
My Advice: This disease will cause you to make a fart cloud of your own. What you need to do is run somewhere secluded and wait for the debuff to drop the fart cloud. After it's dropped you can return to Grobbulus and start DPS again.
My Advice: This attack should only ever be hitting the main tank. When the Fallout Slime spawns have the off tank hop on the slime and have the raid quickly burn it down.
My Advice: Grobbulus will Enrage after 12 minutes.
Grobbulus Loot Table:
Bands of Anxiety
Putrescent Bands
The Skull of Ruin
Miasma Mantle
Blistered Belt of Decay
Sealing Ring of Grobbulus
Leggings of Innumerable Barbs
Hands of Turmoil
Bone-Linked Amulet
Infection Repulser
Gluth: Gluth is the third boss in the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. This fight requires someone in your raid to be good at kiting. It also requires at least two tanks with the ability to coordinate with each other. The tanks will need to taunt off each other once one reaches 5 stacks of Mortal Wounds. Also someone in the raid will have to kite around the zombies that come out of the grates during the encounter.
During phase 2 of this fight Gluth will decrease everyone in the raids HP to 5%, he will also decrease the zombies health to 5%. After he casts this spell the zombies that are being kited will start to run towards Gluth. If a zombie reaches Gluth he will regain 5% of his health. All of the dps classes should focus on slowing and killing the zombies as fast as possible. After you kill all of the zombies phase 1 will start again.
Gluth Video Strategy (Off Tank)
My Advice: Only the tanks have to worry about this debuff, in order to counter it, when one tank reaches 5 stacks have the other tank taunt off of him. Then once the other tank reaches 5 stacks taunt back off of him.
My Advice: During the fight Gluth will go Enraged a few times, it can be removed with a hunters Tranq shot or Rogues Anesthetic Poison.
My Advice: Gluth will enrage after 8 minutes.
Gluth's Loot Table:
Leggings of the Lost Conqueror
Chestguard of the Lost Protector
Spaulders of the Lost Conqueror
Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror
Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher
Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher
Leggings of the Lost Protector
Spaulders of the Lost Protector
Leggings of the Lost Vanquisher
Girdle of the Ascended Phantom
Gauntlets of Combined Strength
Agonal Sash
Boots of Persistence
Miasma Mantle
Bracers of Lost Sentiments
Knife of Incision
Thaddius: Thaddius is the fourth and lost boss of the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. When you start the encounter you will have to kill Feugen and Stalagg simultaneously. They also must die within 5 seconds of each other, otherwise one will resurrect and you'll have to start all over. After both of Thaddius's adds are killed Thaddius will become attackable and engage the raid.
The Thaddius encounter has a similar mechanic to the first boss in Mechanar on Heroic. Basically you have to have the raid split up into two halves. One goes to the right on one goes to the left, usually its Plus to the Right and Minus to the Left. Obviously different people will use different strategies, that's why you have to listen on vent!
Stack on top of each other to make sure everyone gets the buff. Make sure someone in the raid is calling out the Polarity Shift and when it happens have anyone on the left side that gets a positive charge run clockwise around Thaddius and anyone on the right who gets a Negative charge run Counter clockwise. If you both try to run in the same direction you'll wind up zapping each other.
This encounter requires you to master this pattern. Without everyone having the rotation mastered you're going to be giving the "Facepalm Technique" a good work out.
Stalagg's Abilities:
My Advice: Heal through it, pop a health stone, pot or cooldown if need be.
My Advice: Every 30 seconds Stalagg and Feugen will switch tanks with this ability, switching threat as well.
Feugen's Abilities:
My Advice: Have melee DPS on Stalagg and Ranged DPS on Feugen to counter this
Thaddius's Abilities:
My Advice: Thaddius's main move, just do the strategy I said and you won't have any trouble.
My Advice: Heal the damage that is dealt, otherwise this is normal
My Advice: This will only happen if there is no one in Thaddius's melee range. Solution: don't let anyone leave melee range.
My Advice: Thaddius will enrage after 6 minutes.
Thaddius's Loot Table:
Leggings of the Lost Vanquisher
Leggings of the Lost Protector
Leggings of the Lost Conqueror
Cowl of Sheet Lightning
Torment of the Banished
Arc-Scorched Helmet
Blackened Legplates of Feugen
Repelling Charge