Naxxramas 10 Man Arachnid Quarter Walkthrough (WoTLK Era)
The Arachnid Quarter in Naxxramas has a total of three bosses, Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina and Maexxna. This is known to be the easiest of the three wings and is usually the first one that most raids tackle on a new lockout.
If this isn't the quarter you want a walkthrough for and you've made a wrong return; follow the link provided to return to my Naxxramas 10man Walkthrough Index Page. Disclaimer: Keep in mind that the guide you're reading was written during 2010 when WoTLK was the current expansion.
The links to some of the Wowhead resources may be out of date as will some of the video strategies. With that said, I can guarantee that this guide was accurate during the time it was written, abilities were copied from WoWhead and the entire guide was heavily researched as it was written. The information on this page is preserved as it was back during that era.
Anub'Rekhan: Anub'Rekhan is one of the easiest fights in Naxxramas. He requires one tank to tank him in place until he begins to cast Locust Swarm. Once he starts to cast Locust Swarm he must be kited around the room clockwise to where you entered. Once you have him here DPS can resume. When he begins to cast Locust Swarm again he must be kited around the room Counter Clockwise. It is VERY important that the tank avoids the Insect Swarm as well as the raid.
In addition Anub'Rekhan will summon Crypt Lords which must be picked up by an off tank and killed. When the Crypt Lord dies it will spawn Corpse Scarabs which also must be killed. This fight requires a good main tank that is capable of moving a raid boss and keeping agro.
Video Strategy for Anub'Rekhan
My Advice: You must start running away from Anub'Rekhan within the First second of the 3 second cast time of Locust Swarm. Otherwise you're going to be caught within the Locust Swarm. If you don't have any form of Minor Speed, or a movement speed increase you must move within 0.5seconds.
My Advice: Impale is an unavoidable ability that is 100% random. Anub'Rekhan will target a random person within melee range and use Impale on them. Everyone in between Anub'Rekhan and the target will get Impaled as well, so it is important to spread out.
Anub'Rekhan Loot Table:
Splint-Bound Leggings
Knife of Incision
Ravaging Sabatons
Band of Neglected Pleas
Gloves of Dark Gestures
Agonal Sash
Boots of Persistence
Deflection Band
Collar of Dissolution
Chivalric Chestguard
Grand Widow Faerlina: Grand Widow Faerlina is the second boss in the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas. This fight requires two tanks and DPS that actually pay attention. The main strategy for Faerlina is when she goes enraged you have to kill one of the Worshippers around her to Un Enrage her. If you can handle that, this boss will be a walk in the park.
My Advice: Unavoidable damage, cleanse the DoT effect.
My Advice: Get the frig out of it.
My Advice: Faerlina will go into a Frenzy every 60-80 seconds. When she goes into a Frenzy you have to kill a Naxxramas Worshipper to remove the effect. The Worshipper needs to be close to Faerlina to guarantee it dispells it.
My Advice: Faerlina's adds should only ever be casting this at the person tanking them. This damage isn't anything to worry about, just heal through it.
Grand Widow Faerlina Loot Table:
Watchful Eye
Grieving Spellblade
Boots of the Worshipper
Bracers of Lost Sentiments
Avenging Combat Leggings
Boots of the Follower
Gauntlets of the Master
Rusted-Link Spiked Gauntlets
Sash of Mortal Desire
Frostblight Pauldrons
Maexxna: Maexxna is the third and final boss in the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas. The main thing that Maexxna does is every 40 seconds she uses Web Wrap on a random person in the raid which shoots them to the wall. When they are stuck to the wall they can't attack, heal, move or do anything. They also take 2925 to 3575 damage every 2 seconds. When the cocoon is destroyed the player will regain his ability to move, cast and attack.
Maexxna will also use a Web Spray ability on the raid every 40 seconds. Web Spray will incapacitate everyone for 6 seconds and deal 1750 to 2250 nature damage. Maexxna will apply Necrotic Poison to the tank which must be removed immediately after it is applied. Maexxna will also summon spider adds every 40 seconds, These should be disposed of quickly. Maexxna will go enraged at 30%.
My Advice: This is the most important ability the boss uses. When someone gets shot to the wall you have to break them out as fast as possible.
My Advice: Nothing you can do about this ability, make sure before Web Spray goes off the tank is topped off and loaded up with HoT's. Also if Maexxna is getting low on health its a common strategy to wait until she Web Sprays before bringing her below 30%, thus enraging her.
My Advice: As long as Maexxna is turned away from the raid this will only hit the tank. This spell shouldn't be a concern.
My Advice: This needs to be dispelled immediately otherwise the tank dies, then the raid dies.
My Advice: If Maexxna is getting low on health its a common strategy to wait until she Web Sprays before bringing her below 30%, thus enraging her.
Maexxna Loot Table:
Wraith Spear
Pendant of Lost Vocations
Leggings of Discord
Cloak of Armed Strife
Timeworn Silken Band
Maexxna's Femur
Aegis of Damnation
Web Cocoon Grips
Embrace of the Spider
Spaulders of the Monstrosity