Strand of the Ancients
Strand of the Ancients was the new Battleground added in WoTLK. In this battleground the Alliance will start by attacking, and the Horde will be defending. After the Horde ether fight off the attack or the Alliance capture the Titan Relic round two will start. In this round Horde will be attacking and Alliance will be defending.
General Information
- Both sides consist of up to 15 players.
- The objective of the game for the Offensive team is to capture the Titan Relic. The objective for the Defensive team is to defend the Titan Relic.
- If Alliance Wins the first round, the only way to tie it Horde must win the second. Vice Versa the other way. If Alliance Loses, then you must win the next round to tie it. In the result of a tie both teams will get 1 Mark of Honor.
As the game starts you're riding up on the boat, getting ready to attack the beach. When it starts the half of the team that you're on will start ether near the blue or green gate. The best strategy that I've found to use is grab the two tanks that you start near and focus directly on one gate. The one i normally choose is green.
Strand typically plays out one of two ways, you bust through the wall and they don't fall back fast enough and you just keep going for a insanely fast win. Or they stop you at a wall and you just get stuck there until the round ends. The way to prevent this is to always have a Seaforium Charge on you. They can be found near where you get the vehicles through the Blue and Green gate, and also to the right after blowing down the Yellow Gate.
Also on the same discussion of Seaforium, if you see a barrel on the ground out of place, or drop from someone you just killed... Pick it up! Find it in your inventory and drop it on the ground. (Away from a wall) So it can't be used against you. The most important thing to keep in mind about offense is man the cannons! They're the cruise control to winning this battleground, nothing can destroy a tank as fast as them. If you Happen to defend the Titan Relic, you win this round!
When the game starts you'll find your self right near the Yellow Gate, Now run down to the Green and Blue gate. Have two people hop into the Cannons to protect the Gates and the remaining people head to the beach to kill people as they get off the boats, and destroy their tanks. After you destroy the first set of tanks, and have the enemy team spawning in the middle of the beach a new set of tanks will respawn.
This is very important. Do not destroy these new tanks, only wound them. It's critical that you don't destroy them because then they respawn again with full HP. If you just wound them, then when someone finally does decide to take one, it will be easily killable. In the event that they penetrate your walls, keep falling back and hop on the new set of cannons. If you're not on a cannon then assist in disarming the Seaforium Bombs that the enemies will be placing near the gates.
All Cannons work the same whether it be Wintergrasp or Strand of the Ancients. The better you aim the shot, the more damage it will do. Look at it like its similar to Darts. If you hit someone right in the dead center (In the O) You do the most damage. The further you are from the center, the less damage you do.
Restoration - Restores 10% of your health and mana every second for 10 seconds.
Strand of the Ancients Map