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Basic Battleground Rules

- The key to winning all battlegrounds is Strategy and Coordination. Brute Force is also an option if you're out gearing the opposing team.

- Fighting in the middle, or on the roads. This is one of the most argued rants ever for me. If its you and a friend vrs 4 people, and you're fighting on the road... Have at it. You're stopping double the amount of players from doing anything productive. If its 8 of your people vrs 2 of them then its F'ing retarded and get off the road. =P

- Kill the Healers first! This entirely depends on the situation, and is wrong more then its right. If its more then one healer, usually by the time you kill one, he can rez and run back (Giving him full mana) by the time you can kill the second one. If its just one healer, then generally it isn't a bad idea to kill the healers first. With a few exceptions.

Don't kill the healer first IF... You're attacking a base in Arathi Basin. When you kill the healer, he will rez with full mana, and life. The best thing to do here is CC him, or run him out of mana.

Don't kill the healer first IF... You're in WSG and the flag is at the enemies graveyard, or super close. Same reason as for Arathi Basin. He will rez with full mana and life. Best thing to do is CC him or run him out of mana.

Do kill the healer first if the above two do not apply.

- Stick together! I can't stress how important this is. If you don't stay with the rest of the team, the chances of you dying are dramatically increased.