Gun'Drak Instance Guide
Gun'Drak is the Ice Troll stronghold located in northwestern Zul'Drak. There are 5 bosses located in this instance and only 4 of which are available on Normal Difficulty. After you kill each boss you will need to click the Pedastle that they where standing near in order to spin the statue in the center of the room. When you click all 4 pedastles the statue will be spun enough so that you can run across and kill the final boss. Also, after you click all 4 pedastles on Heroic Difficulty the room opens up leading you to the optional bosses room, Eck the Ferocious.
Normal Strategy: Tank and spank the boss, and heal through his acid volleys. At 30% he will summon snakes and serpents to attack the group. DPS the snakes down quickly, otherwise they will surround you and stun you.
Heroic Strategy: Same Strategy as normal, just dps the adds down faster and don't let them get near the healer.
Normal Loot Table:
Heroic Loot Table:
Drakkari Colossus
Normal Strategy: Simple tank and spank, he splits into an elemental around 50%, that you have to pick up and tank. He'll turn back into himself when you get the elemental to 50%, then turn back into the elemental at 1hp. Kill the elemental and the boss will die.
Heroic Strategy: Same as normal, just harder
Normal Loot Table:
Heroic Loot Table:
Normal Strategy: Simple tank and spank, he transforms during the battle into a mammoth and does more damage. Nothing to worry about.
Heroic Strategy: Simple tank and spank, he transforms during the battle into a mammoth and does more damage. Nothing to worry about.
Normal Loot Table:
Heroic Loot Table:
Normal Strategy: Casts a spell called Stampede which summons a rhino that charges a random person knocking them back and dealing damage. He also does a Whirlwind like ability which you have to get away from. At random times he will transform into a rhino. This will increase all damage he does and also cause him to jump to a random person and do a shockwave ability, knocking them back and doing damage.
After this ability he will choose a random person and impale them on his horn, causing a crap ton of damage over time. You can save the impaled person with Blessing of Protection.
Heroic Strategy: Casts a spell called Stampede which summons a rhino that charges a random person knocking them back and dealing damage. He also does a Whirlwind like ability which you have to get away from. At random times he will transform into a rhino. This will increase all damage he does and also cause him to jump to a random person and do a shockwave ability, knocking them back and doing damage.
After this ability he will choose a random person and impale them on his horn, causing a crap ton of damage over time. You can save the impaled person with Blessing of Protection.
Normal Loot Table:
Heroic Loot Table:
(Heroic Optional Boss) Eck the Ferocious
For those unable to find this boss he is located through a passageway you will find in Moorabi's room
Heroic Strategy: This boss is super easy its a DPS race, just burn him down as quickly as possible before he enrages.
Heroic Loot Table:
Here is a list of quests you can pick up for Gun'Drak
- Slad'ran
- Moorabi
- Drakkari Colossus
- Gal'darah
- Slad'ran
- Moorabi
- Drakkari Colossus
- Gal'darah
- Eck the Ferocious
- Defeat Slad'ran in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty without getting snake wrapped.
- Defeat Moorabi in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter.
- Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty and have 5 Unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.
- Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while under the effects of Eck Residue.