Items - Ultima VI: The False Prophet
This page has a list of all Items in the game Ultima VI: The False Prophet. This page covers each item in the game along with their effects and usage. If you’re looking for Armors, Spells or Weapons, just follow one of the links below to their pages instead.
Ultima VI: The False Prophet Lists
- Armors
- Items
- Spells
- Weapons
Balloon: A hot air Balloon. Allows your party to fly.
Balloon Plan: Describes how to make a Balloon.
Black Potion: Makes target invisible.
Blue Potion: Wakes up a sleeping target.
Boardgame: A book found in the Lycaeum library.
Book of Prophecies: A Gargish book that Iolo picked up in the beginning of the game. You need the Silver Tome to translate it.
Certificate: Lenora, the mayor of Yew, will give this to you after you speak to the jailer. Show this to the jailer to get the keys to the jail cells.
Cloth: N/A
Dragon Egg: Give to Sandy in Trinsic to learn how to get the other four Map Pieces.
Empty Pot: Used in making the Balloon.
Fishing Rod: Allows you to fish.
Food: Allows you to recover HP when you camp out.
Gargish Text: Allows you to learn the Gargoyle language.
Gems: Allow you to see your location on a map. Also used in making Glass Swords and Magic Shields.
Gold Nugget: Worth 10 crowns apiece. Also used in making Magic Shields.
Green Potion: Poisons target.
Guild Belt: Needed to join the Thieves' Guild.
Huge Basket: A giant basket. Used for making the Balloon.
Human Lens: A concave lens. Needed for the Final Quest.
KeyB: Opens the door to the drawbridge control lever in Lord British's Castle, and the locked doors in the Britannia Sewers.
KeyC: Opens the locked door in the wine cellar in Skara Brae.
KeyE: Opens the locked door in the weapons shop in Jhelom.
KeyF: Opens the locked door in the Serpent's Hold fencing school.
KeyG: Opens the locked doors in the Serpent's Hold weapons shop.
KeyH: Opens the four normal jail cells in the Yew jail (the ones with the enemies in it).
KeyL: Opens the door to the solitary confinement cells in the Yew jail.
KeyM: The key to Beyvin's grave
KeyN: The key to the Vortex Cube's chamber.
Key0: Opens a locked door that is also in his room.
Lute: Iolo will play it.
Map Pieces: Used to find where the Silver Tome is buried.
Moonorb: Lets you travel to certain locations anytime.
Moonstone: Bury one in the ground, and you'll be able to travel to that location based on the phases of the moon.
Oil: Same effect as the Explosion spell. Does not work on enemies that are immune to fire.
Orange Potion: Puts target to sleep.
Panpipes: Needed to play "Stones" and to get the Rune of Sacrifice.
Powder Keg: Explodes a few seconds after it is thrown.
Red Potion: Cures poison.
Rope: Used in making the Balloon.
Rubber Duck: Daros, the janitor in the Britannia Sewers, gives this to you. Squeaks when you use it.
Rune: Put one on the sealed shrine to liberate them as well as receive a Moonstone.
Scroll: They lead you on a wild goose chase.
Sextant: Allows you to see your co-ordinates.
Sherry: A talking mouse that lives in Lord British's castle. She'll hop in your inventory after you give her some Cheese. Needed to get the Rune of Valor.
Ship Deed: Needed to sail in the large boats.
Shovel: Allows you to dig stuff up, like buried Moonstones or Gold Nuggets. Needed to enter Pirate's Cave.
Silk Bag: Needed to make the Balloon. Marissa, the clothes maker in Paws, will make this for you if you have the Silk Cloth.
Silk Cloth: Needed to make the Silk Bag.
Silk Spool: Needed to make the Silk Cloth.
Silver Piece: Part of the Silver Tome. Needed to translate the Book of Prophecies.
Silver Tome: Needed to translate the Book of Prophecies.
Silver Venom: The venom of the Silver Serpent.
Skiff: A small boat. Used to cross bodies of water.
Sleep Powder: Puts enemies and allies to sleep in the blast area.
Spell: Allows you to copy a particular spell into a Spellbook.
Spellbook: Allows you to cast spells.
Torch: Lights a darkened room for a limited time. Also supposed to make Rotworms run away from you, but I have yet to see this happen.
Vortex Cube: Found in Stonegate. Needed for the Final Quest. Functions similar to the Bag. You're supposed to put Moonstones in it.
White Potion: Allows you to see through walls.
Wood Ladder: N/A.
Yellow Potion: Recovers a bit of HP.
Yew Board: Needed to make the Panpipes.
Yew Log: Needed to make the Panpipes.
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