Items - Terranigma
This page provides a comprehensive list of Items in the game Terranigma. This page covers the different kinds of the Items together with their effects. If you're interested in exploring Accessories, Armors or Weapons, you can easily access their dedicated pages through the provided links below for more information and details.
Terranigma Lists
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Weapons
Air Herb: Allows you to breath underwater.
Airfield Plans: Helps in expansion if you give it to a person in Suncoast before Beruga is resurrected.
Apartment Key: Key to Rococo Apartment 101.
Black Opal: Helps progress through Sylvain.
Camera: Helps in expansion if you take pictures of Suncoast and give them tourist bureaus.
Crystal: Helps in expansion if you give it to a person in Litz.
Crystal Thread: Used to make ElleCape.
Def Potion: +1 def permanently.
Dog Whistle: Chases wolves away in Storkolm.
Engagement Ring: Nana's Engagement Ring.
Fancy Clothes: Helps in expansion if you give it to the girls in Freedom.
Fever Medicine: Cures man in NeoTokio.
Pretty Flower: Makes young girls and penguins happy.
Giant Leaves: Used to swim.
Ginseng: Cures Fyda's fever.
Holy Water: Cures curses.
Holy Seal: Repeals ghosts.
Jail Key: Frees White Wind.
Jewel Box: Holds magic rings.
L. Bulb: Restores 150 HP.
Nirlake Letters: Helps in expansion if you deliver them throughout the world.
Life Potion: +5 HP permanently.
Log: 9 are needed to build bridge.
Luck Potion: +1 Luck permanently.
M. Bulb: Restores 70 HP.
Magirock: Trade for magic rings.
Matis' Painting: Helps in expansion if you give it to Rich in Britain.
Mushroom: Helps make SleepPotion.
P. Cure: Cures poison.
Portrait: Picture of the Princess's parents.
Protect Bell: Helps you through Norfest Forest.
Ra DewDrop: Antidote for Parasite's poison cloud.
Red Scarf: Helps find Meilin.
Royal Letter: Explains some plot.
Ruby: Helps progress through Sylvain.
Saphire: Helps progress through Sylvain.
Sardines: Helps in expansion if you give it to a person in Freedom.
S. Bulb: Restores 20 HP.
Serum: Stronger poison cure.
Sewer Key: Opens locked door in sewer.
Sharp Claws: Used to climb walls.
Sleep Potion: Puts people in castle to sleep.
Sleepless Seal: Prevents sleep from Gardners.
Snowgrass Leaf: Heals Yeti's wounds.
Stardew: Lifts curses.
Starstone: All 5 summon legendary hero.
Speed Shoes: Helps get through Dragoon Castle.
STR Potion: +1 Str permanently.
Tasty Meat: Helps in expansion if you give it to a person in Freedom.
Time Bomb: Destroys computers to destroy the airship.
Tin Sheet: Helps in expansion if you give it to a man in Litz.
Topaz: Helps progress through Sylvain.
Tower Key: Opens tower doors.
Transciever: Use it to talk to girl in NeoTokio Sewer.
Wine: Helps in expansion if you give it to a woman in Freedom.
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