Weapons - Seiken Densetsu 3
This page provides a comprehensive list of Weapons in the game Seiken Densetsu 3. It covers all the game's weapon along with their respective stats. If you're interested in exploring Items or Armors, you can easily access their dedicated pages through the provided links below for more information and details.
Seiken Densetsu 3 Lists
- Armors
- Items
- Weapons
Bronze Sword: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Iron Sword: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Gladius: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Broadsword: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Sabre: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Steel Sword: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Bastard Sword: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Silver Blade: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Estoc: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Falchion: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Flamberge: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Colichemarde: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Shamshir: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Palestorm: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mythril Sword: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Katzbalger: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Balmunk: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Valar Sword: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Kusanagi Blade: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Tyrving: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
Defender: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Muramasa Blade: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Krau-Solas: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Excalibur: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Levatein: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Dragonbane: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
Brave Blade: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Sigmund: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Ragnarok: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Deathbringer: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
Leather Glove: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Iron Knuckles: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Needle Glove: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Molebear Claw: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Chain Glove: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Bagh Nakh: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Fiend's Claw: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Silverthorn: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Moogle Claw: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Keen Knuckle: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Power Glove: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Kaiser Knuckle: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Acid Claw: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Cyclone Claw: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mythril Knuckle: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Bone Knuckle: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Kerberos Claw: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Diamond Knuckle: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Ghost Hand: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Rock Claw: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
Gleam Glove: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Jug Puncher: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Vampire Claw: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Aura Glove: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Rotten Knuckle: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Dragon Claw: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
Spiral Claw: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Holy Glove: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Skull Disect: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Gigas Glove: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
Flint Knife: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Dagger: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Baselard: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Roundel Baselard: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Sharkteeth: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Steel Dagger: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Misericorde: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Katar: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Main Gauche: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Garuda: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Crystal Dagger: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Elf Dagger: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Ashura: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Bluegale: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mithril Knife: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Yasha: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Dancing Dagger: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Field Dagger: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Bishamon: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Merkiel Dagger: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
Sylvan Knife: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Taishaku: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Sheol Dirk: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Crescent Knife: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Acala: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Crimson Glare: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
Orihalcon: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Manslaughter: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Kongo Rakan: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Deathstroke: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
Wooden Cane: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Staff: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Witch Staff: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Oak Cane: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Pewter Rod: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Ruby Cane: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Crystal Rod: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Soul Rod: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Varshu Staff: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Cunning Staff: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Ash Cane: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Will Staff: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Tot's Cane: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Rajin's Cane: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mythril Rod: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Skull Rod: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Memyl Rod: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Druid Cane: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Revelation Cane: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Nebula Staff: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
WorldTree Branch: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Ancient Rod: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Mizunara Cane: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Eternal Rod: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Celnunnos Cane: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Ceryeceon: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
Ganvantein: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Spirit Cane: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Rune Staff: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Dragon Rod: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
Hollow Rod: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Wood Flail: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Ball and Chain: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Light Flail: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Warhammer: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Steel Maul: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Duck Ironball: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Silver Flail: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Heavy Flail: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Hammer Flail: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Morning Star: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Heiro Flail: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Puppet Flail: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Blockbuster: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mythril Maul: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Troll Maul: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Cuneal Maul: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Holy Flail: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Thibula Flail: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Gravity Maul: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
Ultima Maul: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Bloodsucker: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Meteo Flail: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Mjolnir: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Satan Flail: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Vertina Maul: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
Judgmentes: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Gigas Flail: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Maul of the Dead: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Juggernaut: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
Bronze Lance: Attack Power; 6+2 STR.
Long Spear: Attack Power; 6+3 STR.
Flamea: Attack Power; 9+4 STR.
Corsesca: Attack Power; 9+5 STR.
Partisan: Attack Power; 9+6 STR.
Steel Lance: Attack Power; 9+7 STR.
Glaive: Attack Power; 11+8 STR.
Silver Lance: Attack Power; 11+9 STR.
Wing Spear: Attack Power; 13+9 STR.
Mystic Spear: Attack Power; 14+9 STR.
Plume Lance: Attack Power; 11+10 STR.
Dark Piercer: Attack Power; 14+10 STR.
Torrento Spear: Attack Power; 16+10 STR.
Golden Spear: Attack Power; 13+11 STR.
Mythril Spear: Attack Power; 15+11 STR.
Brainwrecker: Attack Power; 17+11 STR.
Griffin Lance: Attack Power; 13+12 STR.
Staghorn: Attack Power; 15+12 STR.
Wolf's Fang: Attack Power; 17+12 STR.
Maidenleaf: Attack Power; 13+13 STR.
Valkyrie Spear: Attack Power; 15+13 STR.
Mideel Spear: Attack Power; 17+13 STR.
Brunak: Attack Power; 13+14 STR.
Gungnir: Attack Power; 15+14 STR.
Paintooth: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Paintooth: Attack Power; 17+14 STR.
Blaze Piercer: Attack Power; 13+15 STR.
True Spear: Attack Power; 15+15 STR.
Stargazer: Attack Power; 17+15 STR.
Dragon Lance: Attack Power; 19+15 STR.
Giant's Spear: Attack Power; 21+15 STR.
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