Magic - Secret of Mana
This page provides a comprehensive list of Magic spells in Secret of Mana. It includes spells such as Undine, Gnome, Sylphid, Salamandro, Lumina/Shade, Luna, and Dryad, along with their respective stats. If you're interested in exploring Items, Armors, or Weapons, you can easily access their dedicated pages through the links provided below for further information and details.
Secret of Mana Lists
- Armors
- Items
- Magic
- Weapons
Ice Saber: 2 MP, Weapons gain the power of water and can freeze the enemy.
Remedy: 1 MP, Recover status.
Cure Water: 2 MP, Recover HP.
Freeze: 2 MP, Causes a freezing ice storm damaging enemy.
Acid Storm: 3 MP, Damages and lowers enemies defense.
Energy Absorb: 2 MP, Steals enemies HP.
Stone Saber: 4 MP, Weapons gain the power of earth and can petrify the enemy.
Speed Up: 3 MP, Raises evade % and speeds up attack.
Defender: 2 MP, Raises defense, decreasing damage.
Earth Slide: 3 MP, Causes a rock slide that damages the enemy.
Gem Missile: 2 MP, Rains jagged diamonds on enemies, damaging them.
Speed Down: 1 MP, Lowers enemies evade % and slows attack.
Thunder Saber: 3 MP, Weapons gain the power of wind.
Balloon: 2 MP, Lowers wisdom and confuses enemy.
Analyzer: Detects traps and enemies statistics.
Air Blast: 2 MP, Blast of air damages the enemy.
Thunderbolt: 4 MP, Lightning strikes the enemy, damaging them.
Silence: 2 MP, Confuses the enemy.
Flame Saber: 2 MP, Weapons gain the power of fire and can engulf the enemy.
Fire Bouquet: 3 MP, Lowers enemies battle power and damages them.
Blaze Wall: 4 MP, Wall of fire engulfs and damages enemy.
Fireball: 2 MP, Sends fireballs at enemy causing damage.
Exploder: 4 MP, Enemy explodes causing damage.
Lava Wave: 3 MP, Magma engulfs and damages enemy.
Light Saber: 5 MP, Weapons gain the power of light.
Lucent Beam: 8 MP, Hit enemy with pure light, damaging them.
Lucid Barrier: 4 MP, Protects against physical attacks.
Evil Gate: 8 MP, Wave of darkness hits the enemy, instantly killing them.
Dark Force: 2 MP, Enemy's energy explodes, damaging them.
Dispel Magic: 4 MP, Sets enemy's gauge to 0 and halts magic.
Moon Saber: 3 MP, Weapons gain the power to steal HP.
Lunar Boost: 2 MP, Raises battle power.
Moon Energy: 2 MP, Raises critical hit %.
Change Form: 5 MP, Transforms enemy into a weaker monster.
Magic Absorb: 1 MP, Steals enemies MP.
Lunar Magic: 8 MP, Makes you and enemy do curious things.
Revivifier: 10 MP, Revives a dead character.
Wall: 6 MP, Protects against magic.
Mana Magic: 1 MP, It's a secret.
Sleep Flower: 2 MP, Puts the enemy to sleep.
Burst: 4 MP, Damages enemy.
Mana Magic: 1 MP, It's a secret.
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