Accessories - Orge Battle
On this page, you'll discover a comprehensive list of all Accessories in Orge Battle. It provides an overview of all the available accessories, including their respective stats. If you're seeking information about Abilities, Armors, Items, or Weapons, simply click on the provided links below to access their dedicated pages instead.
Orge Battle Lists
- Abilities
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Weapons
Angel's Wing: +16 intelligence, +7 physical, +23 white.
Black Charm: +8 strength, -4 intelligence, +13 black, -16 white.
Byak's Fang: +7 intelligence, +12 cold.
Earth Charm: +3 fire, +3 cold, +3 lightning.
Elder Sign: +11 strength, +5 intelligence, +16 black, +14 white.
Flame Charm: +5 fire.
White Charm: +5 white.
Hydra's Fang: +4 strength, +6 physical, +8 fire.
Ice Charm: +5 cold.
Lightning Orb: +6 strength, +17 lightning.
Snow Orb: +11 intelligence, -8 fire, +14 cold.
Thunder Charm: +5 lightning.
Demon Ring: +21 strength, +17 black, -15 white.
Dragon Ring: +6 strength, +14 fire.
Engraved Ring: +11 intelligence, +19 black, -11 white.
Ring of Magic: -12 strength, +16 intelligence.
Ring of Power: +18 strength, -7 intelligence.
Ring of Protection: +5 intelligence, +12 physical, +14 white.
Thunder Ring: +3 strength, +15 lightning, +6 white.
Battle Bugle: +2 physical, +2 strength.
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